Greenway Advisory Board Agenda – August 13, 2012


I. Call to Order

II. Minutes –July 9, 2012

III. Old Business – Greenway Update
a) Industrial Corridor – Boberg
a.Phase 4
b) Review Quote for New LED Lights at Shirley James Gateway Plaza – Boberg
c) Annual Greenway Inspection Tour – September 10, 2012, 1:30pm – 4:30pm. – Boberg

IV. ETC Report – Roberta Heiman

V. New Business
a) Approval for Cleaning Graffiti at the Sunset Park. – Boberg
b) Review Alternate Light Systems for Riverfront Corridor. – Boberg
c) Review Quotes to Install New Gate at the Entrance to the Heidelbach Canoe Launch. – Boberg
d) Any Other Business the Advisory Board Wishes to Discuss

VI. Adjourn