by Dan Barton, Publisher, The New Harmony Gazette 

As most of you know from last month’s Gazette, House Bill 1290 creating the Harmony Way Bridge Authority, passed 77 – 0 in the Indiana House. It has now been signed by Governor Holcomb making it a done deal and the law of the land. Thanks Governor Holcomb!

Lora Arneberg says to the Gazette, “We’re still working on doing a ceremonial signing for photo ops, but it has been signed. It’s a big step forward and now we’re starting to hear from the Illinois newspapers.” She thought that might be a good sign. I responded back to her, “Sounds like it could be. Everybody wants to go with a winner!”

It’s time the folks in Illinois got together and pushed Springfield to get route 14 open again between the Harmony Way Bridge and Crossville, Illinois. Let’s all get behind the Bridge Committee and Authority to bring back our community connections here in Indiana and Illinois.

I know it has been quite a few years ago that legislation was attempted to establish a Bridge Authority and it failed. Not this time. This is really a big deal! I admit it. I had my doubts that it would get this far. So I’m really impressed. It’s a time for dancing on the bridge, that’s for sure. Wish I could dance!

“The next step in this process,” as explained by Ms. Arneberg at the March New Harmony Town Council meeting, “is to have the ownership of the Harmony Way Bridge transferred from the White County Bridge Commission to the Harmony Way Bridge Authority.” She said, “ We now have a democratically elected, independent government entity, with Commissioners elected to four year terms. It will be tax exempt and eligible for federal grants for the first time ever. Senator Jim Tomes and State Representative Wendy McNamara helped get this done quickly. So if anybody gets a chance to send a thank-you note, they should do so. Please do that.”

Ms. Arneberg also stated, “The Committee and I will continue to work until all the appointments are made. Once the Bridge Authority is in place they will take over at that point.”

There was then a lengthy discussion about Section 4 (b) of House Bill 1290 as it applies to dismissal and reappointments on the Bridge Authority. Council President Alvin Blaylock, Councilman David Flanders and Town Attorney Erin Bauer, were concerned about whether appointments that the New Harmony Town Council makes to the Authority could be arbitrarily removed from the Harmony Way Bridge Authority without their involvement. The language in that section seemed ambiguous to them. (You can find this House Bill by simply inputting Indiana House Bill 1290 on the internet and it is easy to find. I found it. If I can find it anyone can. Then you can read the language for yourself.)

The end result of this long exchange was that Lora said she will look at the language again but that the same rule regarding removals and replacements applies to everyone, including the Governor’s appointees. The rule reads, members can be removed with or without cause, and that created some consternation with Town Council members.

Town Zoning Administer and Bridge Committee Member Rod Clark, who was in the audience, volunteered that, “Irrespective, the Bill has passed. Whatever the language is, is what the

language is. If the Governor signs it, it means the Bill has passed. The Legislature is adjourned, so you’re not going to get it amended now.”

Lora said that it could be amended at a later time. She added, “I was told that it would just be an amendment to this legislation. So the Governor will sign into law whatever is passed by the Legislature. That’ll happen very quickly. I will find out what final language was in there. Then if anyone wants to pursue an amendment, you can. “

Kudos to Lora Arneberg and the Bridge Committee for a job well done!

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