Governor Pence Urges Congressional Action on Syrian Refugee Issue


Governor Mike Pence today sent a letter to the Indiana Congressional Delegation urging them to pause the Syrian refugee program and enact legislation that will address safety and security concerns so Indiana can renew its participation. The letter in full can be found attached, and excerpts can be found below.


“My highest duty and first responsibility is to ensure the safety and security of the people of our state.”


“Furthermore, I have not directed that Indiana’s participation in the Syrian refugee program be permanently halted.  This is a suspension of participation that we look forward to lifting once the federal government can make proper assurances to the state regarding the security of the program and addressing the concerns raised by federal officials.”


“As our state’s representatives in Congress, I write today to urge you to pause the Syrian refugee program and enact legislation that will address the safety and security concerns so that we can renew our participation.”