Governor Pence signing HEA 1151


Entering the Home Stretch


March Madness is over and now the major league baseball season is getting underway. With baseball in mind, I like to compare this period in the Legislature to a runner who has crossed third base and is heading towards home plate. We have less than three weeks left until our deadline to finish legislative business.

The end is well within sight, but we still have to keep running hard until the job is done. With our deadline fast approaching, I wanted to provide a quick update on where some of the key legislation currently stands.

House Enrolled Act 1151 – Blue Alert Program

House Enrolled Act (HEA) 1151 creates a ‘Blue Alert’ program to be operated by the Indiana State Police Department. The ‘Blue Alert’ program is designed to notify the public when a law enforcement officer is killed, seriously injured or missing in the line of duty. The concept is relatively similar to the Amber and Silver alert programs.

The ‘Blue Alert’ makes communities aware of serious situations involving law enforcement officers. I am hoping that it will provide peace of mind to the men and women who serve and to their families as well. HEA 1151 was signed into law yesterday by Governor Pence.

House Bill 1005 – Remediation

House Bill (HB) 1005 is an education remediation bill that is designed to help high school students become college and career ready. As an educator, I recognize the importance of equipping students for life after graduation.

HB 1005 improves standards for dual credit courses. It requires students to receive a C or better in order to obtain dual credit for college-level high school courses. Demonstrating proficiency at the high school level, be it in a dual credit course or otherwise, will save students the time and money that goes into taking remediation courses at the post-secondary level.

This bill also reduces graduation waiver rates. Any student that receives a general diploma waiver will be prohibited from receiving state financial aid until they pass a college and career readiness assessment and the secondary school official determines that the student does not need additional remediation or instruction.

Preparing students for the future will pay dividends in their lives for years to come.

HB 1005 was passed out of the Senate unanimously. Since the bill was amended in the Senate, it will return to the House to be reconciled.

If you have any questions about these bills or any other legislation I have authored, please feel free to connect with me via email at or by phone at (317) 232­-9671.