Home Breaking News Governor Pence Leads Annual Governor’s Motorcycle Ride to Benefit Indiana National Guard...

Governor Pence Leads Annual Governor’s Motorcycle Ride to Benefit Indiana National Guard Relief Fu


Governor Pence Leads Annual Governor’s Motorcycle Ride to Benefit Indiana National Guard Relief Fund

Indianapolis – Governor Mike Pence today joined American Bikers Aimed Toward Education (ABATE) members, The Adjutant General, Major General Courtney Carr, Commissioner of the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles Kent Abernathy, and Hoosier motorcyclists for the Annual Ride with the Governor. The ride, which is free to all participants, helps bring awareness to motorcycle safety and raises funds for the Indiana National Guard Relief Fund, which gives 100 percent of all donations to assist members of the Indiana National Guard and their families.

“Here in Indiana we are proud to stand with those who serve,” said Governor Mike Pence. “The annual Governor’s Ride is an opportunity to make an installment on a debt of gratitude that can never be fully repaid to the men and women who serve our state and our nation. I am eager to lead so many fellow Hoosier motorcyclists on this beautiful summer day as we reaffirm our commitment to our Indiana National Guard and their families.”

To commemorate Indiana’s bicentennial year, the ride began in Indianapolis on Monument Circle, with the Statehouse in the background, and ended at the Old State Capitol Building in Corydon, the state’s first capitol. Along the way, participants will stop in Seymour for lunch provided by Walmart, a sponsor of the event.

Photos from the annual Governor’s Ride kick-off in Indianapolis can be found below.





