Governor Pence Joins Letter Urging FCC to Change Contraband Cellphone Regulations


Indianapolis – Governor Mike Pence joined South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and fellow governors from across the country in signing a letter to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Thomas Wheeler requesting a re-evaluation of regulations regarding contraband cellphones in prisons.

In a letter to Chairman Wheeler, the governors said, “Correctional officers across the country work in an environment many will never see or fully understand in terms of threats to staff and public safety. Contraband cellphones in the hands of prisoners dramatically increase these threats to witnesses, the public, the officers, their families, and even other prisoners.”

Below are key excerpts of the letter:

“States must have the flexibility and authority to eradicate this real and serious threat to the public safety in our states.”

“As long as there are prisons, there will always be contraband. In the case of cellphones, we

believe this is one contraband issue we can solve, but we cannot do that until the FCC acts to

allow us to develop the best solutions to secure our correctional institutions.”

The letter in full can be found attached.