Governor Pence Authorizes Hiring of 113 Department of Child Services Caseworkers


Indianapolis – Today, Governor Mike Pence announced the authorization of 113 additional Department of Child Services (DCS) caseworkers to meet demand caused by increased cases across the state. This authorization comes before DCS presents its annual report to the State Budget Committee on Friday, August 14.


“This authorization for 113 more DCS caseworkers is all about putting kids first,” said Governor Pence. “We want to make sure that we’re not only meeting our statutory obligations, but also that we’re doing right by our kids. There is simply no higher priority than the safety of the children in this state, and I am confident that by hiring these additional caseworkers, we can help ensure that our dedicated personnel at DCS are able to provide children in difficult circumstances with the time and attention they deserve.”


The State is adding 113 new caseworkers to become compliant with caseload standards, based on June 2015 caseload numbers. DCS will immediately begin to fill these roles to ensure the proper amount of personnel who can investigate and provide supervision for vulnerable children in Indiana.


In State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2015, Governor Pence called for the legislature to appropriate $7.5 million each year of the FY 16/17 biennium to DCS to fund 100 family case managers and 17 family case manager supervisor positions. All of the 100 family case managers have been created and filled through State Personnel Department. In SFY 2014, DCS added an additional 110 family case manager positions, and in SFY 2013, DCS added 136 family case manager positions and 75 family case manager supervisor positions.


“Children are being abused and neglected at an unprecedented rate in Indiana. In fact, from July 2014 to July 2015 the number of children entering into the DCS system has increased by 26 percent,” said DCS Director, Mary Beth Bonaventura. “There is nothing more important than keeping the children and families we serve, safe; and providing the necessary support to our frontline staff is paramount to accomplishing our mission.”


In March, the DCS released the findings from an independent workload and caseload analysis of the agency by Deloitte Consulting. The final report included 10 strategic and tactical recommendations to improve outcomes for Hoosier children and families, including additional staff.