Home State News Governor Holcomb Requests Federal Low-Interest Disaster Loans for Washington County; 8 More...

Governor Holcomb Requests Federal Low-Interest Disaster Loans for Washington County; 8 More Counties Would Benefit


As a result of recent flooding beginning on May 19, Governor Eric J. Holcomb today requested the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) disaster loan program for Washington County.

If declared, the contiguous counties of Clark, Crawford, Floyd, Harrison, Jackson, Lawrence, Orange and Scott would also qualify for the loans. If granted, residents, businesses and certain non-profit organizations affected would be eligible to apply.

“This flooding devastated residents of Washington County,” Gov. Holcomb said. “It left homes and businesses severely affected, and our goal is to offer assistance. The state is applying for low-interest disaster loans to provide that measure of help.”

The U.S. Small Business Administration administers the federal low-interest disaster loans program.

Gov. Holcomb has directed the Indiana Department of Homeland Security to continue coordinating state actions in the aftermath of these storms.