Gov. Holcomb Names Staton Interim Indiana Secretary of Commerce


Governor Eric J. Holcomb today announced he has selected Jim Staton to serve as interim Secretary of Commerce.

Staton has served Indiana’s business community for more than 30 years. He first joined the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) in 2005 and currently serves as senior vice president and chief business development officer, overseeing the organization’s domestic and international business expansion and attraction efforts and leading the team through back-to-back record-breaking years for economic development.

Prior to being selected to lead global business development activity in 2018, he served in a number of economic development-focused roles at the IEDC, including vice president of business development, director of business development for the central and northwest Indiana regions, and as business recruitment director for North America.

Staton earned undergraduate degrees in environmental design and urban planning from Ball State University.

Staton will begin as interim Secretary of Commerce immediately