VCRP Central Committee Meeting at the GOP Headquarters, 815 John Street, Evansville 

Contact Office at 812-425-8207 if you have any questions.

Mid-Week Musings
Sixty-five Percent Turnout
Secretary of State Connie Lawson announced that 65 percent or 3,068,542 of Indiana’s 4.7 million registered voters cast a vote in the November 3 General Election. The complete 2020 General Election Turnout and Absentee Chart with voter statistics for each county can be viewed online at https://enr.indianavoters.in.gov/site/index.html.
“We continue to see that candidates and issues drive turnout,” said Secretary Lawson. “Presidential elections tend to have higher turnout rates. That held true this year with sixty-five percent of Hoosiers turning out to vote, the highest percentage we’ve seen since 1992.”
In 2016 and 2012, voter turnout was at 58 percent. In 2008, 62 percent of registered Hoosiers voted in the General Election. This was a record-setting year, with 3,068,578 Hoosiers casting a ballot, more than in 2008, 2012 or 2016.
Congratulations to Hamilton and Wells Counties on having the highest turnout in the state. Both reached 75 percent turnout. They were followed by Greene, Hancock, Whitley at 74 percent.
Turnout statistics for previous elections can be found online at http://www.in.gov/sos/elections/2400.htm

How Did Younger Republicans Respond to the 2020 Election Results?
   In a limited survey of college Republican leaders, some interesting reactions were recorded:

 They were disappointed to lose the presidency, but largely optimistic about the future of the GOP because of the party’s chance to keep control of the US Senate and reducing the Democrat’s majority in the US House.
They were pleased with some of Donald Trump’s accomplishments but were critical of his personality and had mixed feelings about his future in the GOP.
     They see the Republican Party getting a little bit younger and a little bit more diverse, “which is definitely good”.
     They don’t think there is a problem with the GOP platform but believe the party is unable to explain that platform to younger people.

      This survey, limited as it was, should encourage us to analyze the reactions of different segments of the voting population in our county, district and State.

Electoral College: Where to From Here?
           Bill Springer of Sullivan County is the Presidential Elector for the 8th Congressional District; Wayne Parke of Vanderburgh County is the Alternate Elector. On Monday, December 14, 2020, Indiana’s Presidential Electors will meet in the State House to vote for President and Vice-President. After the paper ballots are tabulated, Electors sign a Certificate noting the votes for each Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidate. Copies of the documentation are sent to the Vice-President, to the National Archives, to the Chief Judge of the Southern District Court of Indiana and to the Indiana Secretary of State.
 The votes from the various states are counted at a joint session of the US Senate and House of Representatives (usually on January 6th).  After the electoral votes from all states are counted, the Vice-President declares the candidates having a majority of electoral votes cast to be President-elect and Vice-President-elect.
 The President-elect and Vice-President-elect take their oaths of office at noon on January 20, 2021.

Fellow Hoosier,

I want to share with you the following video produced by the House GOP Doctors Caucus that debunks myths about Operation Warp Speed and the development of a vaccine for COVID-19 with science-based facts:

Myth vs. Fact GOP Doc Caucus
Myth vs. Fact GOP Doc Caucus


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If you have any questions, contact Mary Jo Kaiser, VCRP Political Director, at

or (812) 425-8207.
for more info. Thank you.