Central Committee:
   Wayne Parke, Chairman
   Mary Jo Kaiser, Political Director
   Dottie Thomas, Vice Chairman
   Lon Walters, Secretary
   Farley Smith, Treasurer
News and Upcoming Events for August 11,2020
 We are looking for volunteers to assist in the Weekly IN-THE-KNOW Blast
This publication is emailed every Tuesday to our Republican supporters. The purpose is
to keep members up to date on the happnings of the Party, especially all candidates.
If you are willing to help, please contact Mary Jo Kaiser – 812-425-8207 or 812-483-4675
 VCRP Central Committee Meeting – Wednesday, August 12, 2020 – 11:30 AM
Location: GOP Headquarters,815 John Street, Evansville
Meetings are open to all Vanderburgh County Precinct Committeemen.
Contact Mary Jo Kaiser at 812-425-8207Â if you have any questions.
 VCRP Monthly Breakfast – Saturday August 15, 2020
WHERE: C.K. Newsome Center , Room 118A-B
100 Walnut Street, Evansville, IN 47713
   TIME: 7:30 – Doors Open (Complimentary Continental Breakfast)
8:00 – Program – Speakers – Debbie Stucki – Candidate for County RecorderÂ
9:00- Adjourn
VCRP Reagan Day: Thursday, August 20, 2020
Event: Vanderburgh County Republican Party Reagan Day
Date : Thursday August 20, 2020
Time: Registration / Cash Bar 5:15 pm
Dinner 6:30 pm
Where: Evansville County Club, 3810 Stringtown Rd, Evansville
Dash for Cash <> Silent Auction
Keynote Speaker: Â Indiana Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch
Special Guest: State Senator District 50 Vanetta BeckerÂ
- Tickets $100 per Person (includes Dinner and a Dash for Cash Ticket)
- $25 per additional Dash for Cash Ticket
- Dress – Western Theme (ECC has approved denim for this event)
Mark your calendar and plan to join the VCRP at the Evansville Country Club onÂ
Thursday, August 20, 2020 for our annual Reagan Day celebration.Â
To purchase tickets, contact Mary Jo Kaiser 812-425-8207
November Election:Â
For a list of 2020 General Election partisan contests. Click Here  For more information contact
Winnecke Golf Outing – Friday September 18
Event: Friends of Winnecke Annual Golf Outing
Date: Friday, September 18, 2020
Location: Fendrich Golf Course
EVSC Board of School Trustees Meeting-
 County Council Meeting-
 County Commission Meeting-
Get the Latest Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information:
Coronavirus Home
Governor Holcomb Executive Orders
Coronavirus Home
Stay in touch with GOP members of Congress representing our area (click links below):
Visit the Vanderburgh GOPÂ
page for daily updates.
 Mark Your calendar        CLICK on event for more information
August 15 |
GOP Monthly Breakfast |
August 20 |
Reagan Day Celebration |
August 21 (Noon) |
Deadline for school board candidates to file |
September 18 |
Frinds of Winnecke Golf Outing |
September 19 |
VCRP/Senaor Tomes Fun Shoot – Evansville Gun Club |
 Make sure you add vandygop@gmail.com to your address book so we’ll be sure to land in your inbox!
If you have any questions, contact Mary Jo Kaiser, VCRP Political Director, at
for more info. Thank you.