Gina Robinson Ungar Enters Evansville City Council Race


Join us today – Monday February 4 – at noon outside the Election Office, Room 214 of the Evansville Civic Center when she files to run for an At-Large seat.

Robinson Ungar recently left her position as Receptionist at the Evansville Housing Authority, having felt the call to serve in elected office to address the most pressing needs of the community she holds dear.

Robinson Ungar, a former dairy farmer, is mother to two elementary aged sons and a member of First Presbyterian Church. She is the Lead Organizer of Our Revolution – Evansville and also volunteers with CAJE and Indivisible. She was a founding member of the statewide progressive group, 92 County Strategy and was selected for the 2017-2018 class of the Emerging Leaders Project of the Indiana Democratic Party.  She graduated from Oberlin College with a B.A. in Sociology and is currently pursuing a Master of Public Service Administration degree at the University of Evansville.

A firm believer in the healing power of kindness, Robinson Ungar will challenge voters to take on the mission to make Evansville a place where families get healthier, safer, and more connected to the community resources that make a difference.

“Strategic investment by the city in affordable housing and in mental health and addiction recovery services will pay off for the entire city in the form of stronger families, safer schools, more productive workers, and more peaceful streets for all of us,” Robinson Ungar said. “We know that good jobs, sound infrastructure and great parks and culture are essential to a well-managed city, but to attract and retain professional families, Evansville must continue to strive for the welcoming inclusiveness embodied in the ‘e is for Everyone’ campaign. Rich, poor, or in-between, newcomer or Evansville native, our human lives are precious and need kindness and connection. That is the vision of compassionate stewardship that drives me, knowing that as City Councilwoman I can ensure that taxpayer dollars are wisely allocated to improve quality of life for the entire community.”


For more information, media may contact Edie Hardcastle, vice-chair of the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party, at (812) 550-3812, or


  1. The article states that Mrs Ungar is a member of Indivisible. This group is known for disrupting meetings of different Congressman Town Hall meetings. They speak out of turn. They are loud and if you have a different opinion than theirs they shout you down and call you names.
    Has Mrs Ungar ever participate in that type of behavior? Would she welcome that to any of her campaign get together with citizens?

  2. sounda like you are referring to the tea party tactics. Gina would never do what the ambush tea party’s did in 2010. She is much classier

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