Are you money smart? We all need to know how to spend it, save it, and borrow it wisely. Money Smart Week® is a series of free classes and activities designed to help consumers better manage their personal finances sponsored by the Federal Reserve. The following Money Smart Week classes and events will take place at Central Library:
* Money Smart Week Kickoff – Sunday, April 21 • 2:00-4:00 pm
Financial information booths from local businesses and organizations, activities for all ages, giveaways, refreshments.
* FICO Scores and Credit Reports – Monday, April 22 • 6:00 pm
Learn free and easy ways to locate your credit report and FICO score and how you can improve your numbers. Presented by Bob Boxell of Gates Financial Services.
* Saving Money for College – Monday, April 22 • 7:00 pm
Find out about ways to save money for college and avoid student loan debt. Presented by Bob Boxell of Gates Financial Services.
* Homebuyer Education – Wednesday, April 24 • 5:00 pm
Learn what you need to know when preparing to buy a new home. Presented by First Federal Savings Bank.
* Budgeting Basics – Thursday, April 25 • 5:30 pm
Learn how to review and track your spending and tools to use for successful budgeting. Presented by Andrea Collins of Apprisen.
Local Money Smart Week activities are sponsored by EVPL, Apprisen Financial Advocates (CCCS), Fifth Third Bank, Ivy Tech Community College, Old National Bank, OTPL Central Library, Tri-State Better Business Bureau, United Way of SW Indiana, and YMCA of Southwestern Indiana.
“Money Smart Week® is a series of free classes and activities designed to help consumers better manage their personal finances sponsored by the Federal Reserve.”
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If a person would just use some common sense and not go spending stupidly they would not be in a financial disaster , do that ring a bell evansville ?
Editor , is there anyway we could sign up rumple bean , a Ginny , and a mare
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