Home Community News Gallup Rasmussen Poll for August 28, 2012

Gallup Rasmussen Poll for August 28, 2012


The Rasmussen Tracking poll today shows President Obama with a 47% – 45% lead over Mitt Romney while Gallup’s Tracking poll continues to show Romney leading at 47% -46% each.

The average of these two polls is now showing the Romney/Ryan campaign with 46% and the Obama/Biden at 46.5%.

The average approval rate for President Obama despite leading is at negative 2.0% meaning that 2% more of those polled disapprove than approve of the Presidents job performance. The average approval rating for the President was 46.5% and the average disapproval was 48.5%.

Real Clear Politics that today has an average of 10 polls has the Obama/Biden ticket leading by 1% at 46.7% to 45.7% with a job approval of negative 0.8%.

All polls continue to indicate that between 6% and 10% of those polled have not yet expressed an opinion putting the undecideds in a position to choose the next President.


  1. The actual average of the major polls shows Obama leading Romney at 46.7-45.7


    The latest poll to be released was last night from CBS Nws, which has Obama over Romney at 46-45

    As for job approval, lets once again look here:


    8 pools are shown, with Obama having a positive approval in 3, a tie in 1, and a disapproval in 4. The overall margin is Approve 47.6 / Disapprove 48.4, with a margin of 0.8

    Statistically speaking, that is a VERY slim margin of error

    As for job approval, your very own BFF Rasmussen states today:

    “The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows President Obama attracting support from 47% of voters nationwide, while Mitt Romney earns 45% of the vote. Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided.”


      • Yep, and I want to shout a big THANK YOU!!!!!

        I am not wanting to be adversarial, and I am VERY glad you are putting all aspects of the story.

        Good job! The more impartial the better! A sign of leadership, ol chap!

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