Gallup-Rasmussen Poll Average: August 24, 2012


The Rasmussen Tracking poll today shows Mitt Romney with a 46% – 45% lead President Obama Romney while Gallup’s Tracking poll shows Romney and Obama tied at 46% each.

The average of these two polls is now showing the Romney/Ryan campaign with 46% and the Obama/Biden at 45.5 both garnering slightly less support than last week.

The average approval rate for President Obama is now even meaning that the same percentage of those polled approve and disapprove of the Presidents job performance. The average approval rating for the President was 48.0% and the average disapproval was 48%.

In an examination of all polls published after August 13th and applying them to the elector count, if the election were held today and the most recent polls are accurate Romney would win the presidency over Obama by an electoral vote of 282 – 256


  1. Seems to me you are cherry-picking which Presidential poll to report on. Rasmussen, a notoriously partisan right-wing pollster, so is that why you only show their information?

    RCP Average: 46.6-45.6 (Obama +1.0)
    CNN/Opinion Research: 49-47 (Obama +2)
    Rasmussen Tracking: 45-46 (Romney +1)
    Gallup Tracking: 46-46 (Tie)
    Associated Press/GfK: 47-46 Obama +1
    NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl: 48-44 (Obama +4)
    Monmouth/SurveyUSA/Braun: 46-45 (Obama +1)
    LA Times/USC: 48-46 (Obama +2)

    CNN’s poll had the race at 49% for Obama and 47% for Romney. The poll also has Obama ahead with Independents. And significant majorities believe that Romney favors the rich and that he should release more tax returns.

    The NBC/Wall Street Journal poll placed Obama up 48% to 44%. In addition, Reuters reports that 46% of registered voters say Obama is stronger on jobs and the economy, compared with 44% for Romney. And on tax matters, 49% saw Obama as stronger, compared with 38% for Romney.

    Tha Associated Press has it with Obama at 47% and Romney 46%. Survey USA also has Obama leading by a margin of 46% to Romneys 45%.

    Maybe you should go to this website for some education:

    This really proves my point. Pretty much EVERY other poll has Obama in the lead other than the ones you use. I thought a “news” site would be impartial. Guess I am once again expecting too much from CCO.

    TIME has described Rasmussen Reports as a “conservative-leaning polling group”. According to Charles Franklin, a University of Wisconsin political scientist who co-developed, “It’s clear that Rasmussen results are typically more Republican than other results.”

    The Center For Public Integrity listed “Scott Rasmussen Inc” as a paid consultant for the 2004 George W. Bush campaign. I hardly think that their results are relative in the 2004 race. Rasmussen was only founded in 2003, so their “track record” is nowhere near the long-term track records of other polling services.

    And in March 2012, Media Matters for America criticized Rasmussen Reports for portraying itself as politically independent while headlining two Republican fundraising events. If you are helping to sponsor events for a single party, you can hardly tell the American public you are “impartial”.

    On Gallup, for the 2008 U.S. presidential election, Gallup was rated 17th out of 23 polling organizations in terms of the precision of its pre-election polls relative to the final results.

    You would better serve the public by showing a variety of polling sites, not just the one that you use for only showing information favorable to your view.

    • We approved this and congratulate us for your research. We are fully aware of RCP for both polls and article. We chose the polls we did for the 10th time because of their historical accuracy. The other factor to consider is likely voters vs. registered voters. You seem very prejudiced against Rasmussen but were you against them in 2008 when they picked Obama over McCain by 52 – 46 when the actual numbers were 52.9 – 46? Rasmussen and Gallup pride themselves on accuracy and the record reflects that.

      Each poll has a protocol. Partisan or not if the protocol is call 1,500 people and record the results there is little room for fudging the numbers. Rasumussen took a poll in 2000 and was incorrect. He adjusted the sampling and algorithms and has been within 1% ever since. Gallup of course has been trusted for many years. You may post the RCP results if you wish. During the last week it looks as though they are converging toward the Gallup-Rasmussen averages as today that average has Romney up by 0.5% and RCP has Obama up by 0.9%. RCP has moved because they finally got rid of a couple of polls from July that were corrupting their results. The worst corrupting poll was the Fox News poll that had Obama at +9. Not even Axlerod believes that Obama is +9 at this point. The race is very close and today both our average and the RCP show that.

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