Gallup Rasmussen Poll Average: August 17, 2012


The Rasmussen Tracking poll today shows President Obama with a 46% – 45% lead Romney while Gallup’s Tracking poll shows Romney maintaining a lead of 47% – 45%.

The average of these two polls is now showing the Romney/Ryan campaign with 46.0% and the Obama/Biden at 45.5%.

The average approval rate for President Obama is now negative 4.5% meaning that 4.5% more of those polled disapprove of the Presidents job performance than approve of it. The average approval rating for the President was 46.0% and the average disapproval was 50.5%. Both items were unchanged from yesterday but for the first time the Gallup Poll reported consecutive days with a disapproval rating of 50% for President Obama.

In an examination of all polls published after August 13th and applying them to the elector count, if the election were held today and the most recent polls are accurate Romney would win the presidency over Obama by an electoral vote of 282 – 256


  1. Isn’t there something going on in Evansville that u can write about instead of seeing this poll everyday… Who cares who is ahead at this point in the race. Surely we aren’t going to be bless with this poll everyday till election. BORING!!!

    • A couple of hundred readers looked at this yesterday. It is of interest. We will post a daily update until the election is over. You are under no obligation to read the updates.

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