Home Political News Gail Riecken To Have Press Conference To Discuss State Of Cities General...

Gail Riecken To Have Press Conference To Discuss State Of Cities General Fund


Mayor’s Administration has not presented spending plan to the City Council or Public

Over a year ago, the Mayor stated that money was going to be tight to pay the bonds for the development of the Hotel and Med School. At the same time, he was told he had to have a spending plan in place, and that
without that, we would continue to drown in bills we couldn’t pay.

To date, no plan has been made public and the Mayor’s administration appears to be playing a shell game to show a positive balance in the General Fund and to pay the bills.

With Budget hearings starting in 2 weeks the public has the right to know the actual state of the city’s finances.  The end of year balance in the general fund last year was in the black by $307,000 but a closer look
shows the shell game and that the actual is almost $4.5 million in the red.  The Mayor was supposed to have a spending plan for last year’s budget and still have not presented it to the public or the City Council.
The Mayor needs to have the spending plan that he promised and present it to the public now for comment and review.

WHO:  Mayoral Candidate Gail Riecken

WHERE:  Evansville Civic Center – Front Steps

WHEN: August 3, 2015, 11:30 A.M.