GAGE’s Tech Transfer Program Honored by Federal Lab Consortium


The Growth Alliance for Greater Evansville earns 2012 Partnership Award

EVANSVILLE, IN (July 25, 2012) – The Growth Alliance for Greater Evansville was awarded the 2012 Partnership Award from the FLC: Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer (Midwest Region). Nominated by Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Crane Division Laboratory Representative, John Dement, the partnership between the Growth Alliance and Crane was evaluated on a scale of 100 points and categories such as; unique efforts demonstrated, benefits to organizations as a result of the nominee’s actions, and the impact on the federal lab technology transfer program.

In the past year, the Growth Alliance provided leadership in supporting and promoting Crane’s Technology Transfer program within the region, as well as nationally by:
• The Growth Alliance coordinated a “Get on the Bus” event which brought over 50 community and business leaders, investors, Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke, and University of Southern Indiana President, Linda Bennett to Crane for a day to discuss Technology Transfer opportunities.
• Piloted two Technology Transfer Commercialization workshops, a process where Crane, the Growth Alliance and the University of Southern Indiana exploit for new Technology Transfer processes to help local companies.
• In May of 2012, Growth Alliance President, Debbie Dewey attended and presented during Crane’s Technology Transfer session at the National Federal Lab Consortium in Pittsburgh, PA.
• The Growth Alliance participated at Crane’s Small Arms Innovation Discovery event which identified 16 potential invention disclosures and 30+ commercialization opportunities.
• The Growth Alliance sponsored the local Startup Weekend event that was wildly successful with over 50 potential entrepreneurs pitching their ideas at the University of Southern Indiana.
• The Growth Alliance’s Technology Transfer Committee provided direct support and leadership towards the University of Southern Indiana’s Technology Commercialization Academy (TCA) – a five week crash course with six engineering students and six business students from the University working full time to develop ideas and business strategies to commercialize three Crane patents.
“What makes this {the partnership between GAGE and Crane} really special is that Evansville is not a traditional technology based economy but has the major ingredients to use innovation as an accelerator for local jobs. GAGE is leading the way to change the culture and infrastructure to support this type of future in Evansville and they see T2 with Crane as a major platform – a reason – to drive that change,” said John Dement, ORTA/Technology Transfer, (NSWC) Crane Division.

The Growth Alliance for Greater Evansville, (GAGE) has four focus areas within their mission, one of which is Technology Transfer, or T2. The Technology Transfer program is a three way partnership with Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division (Crane) and the University of Southern Indiana. The Growth Alliance has both a Partnership Intermediary Agreement (PIA) and a Technical Assistance Cooperative Research and Development Agreement, (CRADA) with Crane. Through this partnership, businesses within the region can access military technology, scientific capabilities, expertise and patents. These valuable resources can be used for creative commercialization that will strengthen and elevate revenue and profits in the Tri-State region of Southwest Indiana, southeast Illinois, and western Kentucky.

“It is extremely satisfying to know that our efforts in technology transfer with the federal labs is recognized and appreciated. Incubation of new technology-based businesses is important to sustainable economic growth and we must be innovative in exploiting regional assets like Crane,” said Debbie Dewey, President of the Growth Alliance for Greater Evansville.


  1. For a second I thought that GAGE won this award for the outstanding work that Debey Dewey did on vetting the proposed EARTHCARE project.

  2. Looks like Debbie Dewey is starting her public relations campaign to convince elected officials to keep funding GAGE at the same level.

    I hope our elected officials take in account the lack of proper vetting of the EARTHCARE project by Debbie Dewey of GAGE that could cost the Evanssville taxpayers millions of dollars before said and done. Also they should look at the big salary (about $105,000 per year)she is being paid from taxpayers money donated to GAGE.

    IT’S time to make her accountable for her actions.

  3. Has GAGE done a damn this with this since Wallace left other than host parties and take politicians on field trips to Crane? This sounds like a little league trophy to me.

  4. Coordinated, piloted, attended, potential, nor pitched will buy a cup of coffee.

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