FSSA Names New Chief Medical Officer


The Indiana Family and Social Services Administration is reenforcing its commitment to improving the overall health and well-being of Hoosiers by announcing Maria Finnell, M.D., M.S. as its new chief medical officer.

Dr. Finnell most recently served as the director of clinical operations and associate medical director for FSSA’s Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning. She begins in this new role on August 23, 2021. She will also continue to serve clinically as a pediatrician in the Riley Early Years Program.

“With her broad experience spanning clinical medicine, health services research, managed care and most recently Medicaid policy, Dr. Finnell will contribute immensely as FSSA continues to ensure qualifying Hoosiers receive needed services,” said Daniel Rusyniak, M.D., FSSA secretary. “Dr. Finnell also served as an important member of the state’s COVID-19 response team, and in her new role will be able to further build upon those interagency collaborations.”

Dr. Finnell’s role will include leading FSSA’s medical directors, as well as overseeing critical cross-divisional and interagency work.

Dr. Finnell earned her medical degree from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, and completed her pediatric residency and children’s health services research fellowship at the Indiana University School of Medicine. Until 2015 she was a research faculty member in the IU School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics, where her work focused on guideline development and evaluations of cost-effectiveness. Between 2015 and 2019, Dr. Finnell held a position as medical director at Anthem Indiana Medicaid.