Every child deserves a loving home to grow and learn, and a supportive parent to help nurture a bright future. Foster families provide an immediate source of stability and safety for many Hoosier children who have experienced trauma, with the hopeful intention of reuniting the child with their birth family.
To help foster families across the state, House lawmakers partnered with the Indiana Association of Resources and Child Advocacy and its Institute for Excellence, a nonprofit organization serving more than 4,600 Hoosier children every day. Together, during our Bags of Hope event, we filled more than 100 diaper bags with needed items like diapers and blankets for foster families.
These bags will be donated to foster families to provide for the infants and newborns in their care. Almost 60 percent of all kids entering the child welfare system are under 6 years old, and many of these children leave their homes with only the clothes on their backs or what they can fit into a trash bag.
To learn more about how you can change a child’s life, visit www.FosterHopeIndiana.org.