Fort Wayne Downtown Revitalization Profiled in New York Times


Perhaps Evansville could learn the Vetting and financing processes from Fort Wayne


“The $110 million redevelopment effort, called Harrison Square, so far includes the ballpark, a brand-new Marriott Courtyard hotel and a 900-space parking garage; and skywalks to connect the Marriott and an existing Hilton hotel to the expanded Grand Wayne Convention Center, which will host the 2012 state Democratic convention.”

“But the Harrison, a 100,000-square-foot structure that will also have space for retail stores and offices, has been stalled by the recession and the inability to get financing. On June 13, a little more than two years after it was supposed to be finished, Mayor Tom C. Henry announced a private-public partnership that will finance the $18 million building.”

“Last Sept. 1, the 250-room Marriott Courtyard hotel and a 900-space parking garage opened, both of them overlooking Parkview Field. The $30 million undertaking by White Lodging, a Merrillville, Ind. real estate firm specializing in hotels, more than doubled the number of hotel rooms within walking distance of the convention center. The mayor and Mr. Richard like to boast that the Indiana State Democratic Convention has scheduled its 2012 convention in Fort Wayne because there are finally enough rooms to accommodate 2,000 convention-goers.”

Link to Full Article


  1. Oh, my, the Parkview Field is absolutely gorgeous !

    $ 30 Million to build, we could have built four (4) ball parks for the “advertised” price of the Arena, and built seven (7) ballparks for the eventual cost of the Arena ! Former Mayor Lloyd Jr., you had it right, Sir. The baseball field would have been one piece of the puzzle . . . whereas the Arena puts all the eggs into one (oversized) basket. Is it too late to trade ?

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