I am the fundraising chair and spokesperson for the Hammer for Commissioner campaign. I also served as Chairman of the Warrick County GOP from 2003-2009 and 8th District GOP Chairman from 2009-2013.
I would not continue to work on the campaign if I thought there were any intentional misrepresentations being made by Steve or anyone on the campaign.
In my opinion, Chairman Parke’s actions just days before the primary election are inappropriate and appear to be an attempt to influence the outcome of the upcoming primary election.
I support Steve Hammer for Commissioner and encourage all voters in Vanderburgh County vote for Steve Hammer on May 8th. Rick Martin.


  1. Rick—
    + Hammer does not deny he made statements saying the Chamber of Commerce endorses him—when they did not.
    + Hammer says a campaign worker made the statement the Republican Party supports him over the other candidates—when I did not. It is my understanding telephone scripts are supposed to be written out and followed for these type of campaign calls.
    + Not one person has contacted me and said they support Hammer. One well know respected person said Hammer’s dishonesty extends to other areas.
    + This is America and one can say whatever they want–but sometimes statements have consequences.

    Wayne Parke, Chairman VCRP

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