FOP Supports EVSC Teamsters



  1. THANK YOU FOP! The Evansville community understands what fairness is and also wants the EVSC board members to vote to go back to the bargaining table. We don’t want this school superintendent to destroy over 40 years of employee goodwill. It’s so much better to leave a legacy of success.

  2. Thank you FOP for your support!! And it would seem as though the one school board member that is in a UNION would be supporting us! I think the school board needs to remember Dr. Smith is to be working for them, not the other way! Remember, you are in an elected position, and there are a whole lot more union people out there there EVSC admins!

  3. Thank you FOP for your support, it is greatly appreciated!! It seems the school board member that is in a UNION would want to support us as well, but I think somewhere along the way our school board got confused and think they work for Dr Smith. I hope they(school board members) also remember, they are in an elected position and there are a whole lot more union members out there than there is EVSC admins! It’s really sad that we are having to fight these issues again this year!

  4. Not an EVSC Employee but glad to see you get involved especially since three Board Members have benifited from your negotiations for them when they were Police Officers are Deputy Sheriff’s. Thank you very much FOP

  5. Thank you FOP! It’s time the Admin and School Board stop the bullying and Union Busting tactics! We have spoken…we want our Union so do the RIGHT thing and get back to the table!

  6. nice letter. Thank you for your support!
    It’s sad that admins ways talk about the schools as a team and we’re all in this as a team. But the coach per say dr smith, is destroying the the team that’s been built over the years. This is not the wAy you want to be in the daily news when your trying to promote Evansville and the schools in this great community. And lose this expensive out of town negotiater so we won’t go without raised another 5 years

  7. Thank you members of the FOP for your support. This means the world to me as a member of Local 215.

  8. Thank you FOP supporters! We are very appreciative of the letter written on our behalf. Never worked for a company that has totally been out to get the their employees and thumb their noses at them.

  9. Good for the FOP! The entire community should support the Teamsters on this issue. What David Smith and friends are doing stinks worse than Bee Slough!

  10. Thank you FOP! Hopefully the administration will soon realize it’s not good relations to be squabbling over contract negotiations and it’s certainly not good for EVSC. All the years I worked for EVSC negotiations have went smoothly until Burtrum was superintendent, but the current administration has given a new meaning to “difficult negotiations”. It’s very disheartening.

  11. This is getting just a little rediculous. You will never find better people to drive your buses, or better attendants watching the kids. It’s a team effort to get the kids to and from school safely. We’ve worked hard to earn a little respect from the school board. It’s bad enough that we don’t get support or appreciated at bus transportation, now the school board wants to shit on us also. If we don’t have our union,we will be treated worse than we already are.

  12. Thank you FOP! The local 215 greatly appreciates your support. It’s a good feeling to know we aren’t in this alone.

  13. Thank you FOP. The EVSC needs to get back to the table. My next question is exactly how much are we paying their attorney from Indy.

  14. If the Teamsters were doing what they should be doing for the bus drivers, their beginning salaries would be more than $60. per day.

  15. Thank you FOP! This school board has turned a deaf ear to its employees, their union, and the Evansville community. The board members’ behavior has been an embarrassment to those who still know right from wrong. They need to stop acting like playground bullies and start doing the job they were elected to do-get back to the negotiating table and actually negotiate in good faith.

  16. Thank you, FOP, for your support to teamsters and thanks for speaking up for us at the School Board meeting. You did a great job. Loved the things that you said. You know, Dr. Smith always likes to brag on how well he treats his employees and how EVSC want to be the employer of choice. He’s not doing a very good job of this. Right now the community is seeing how well he and the elected board think of their employees. Employer of choice? Not!!! Proud Teamster!

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