FOP Releases Candidate Endorsements


FOP Endorsements for 2012

Judge Superior Court – Mary Margaret Lloyd

Judge Superior Court (Juvenile) – Brett Niemeier

Clerk of the Circuit Court – No Endorsement

County Recorder – Clifford Holm (R)

County Treasurer – No Endorsement

Coroner – Gary Gulledge (R)

Surveyor – No Endorsement

County Commissioner District 1 – No Endorsement

County Commissioner District 3 – Stephen Melcher (D)

County Council at Large – Ed Bassemier (D)
Mike Goebel (D)
Stanley Wheeler (D)


    • Exactly, who in their right mind would let the FOP’s endorsements influence their personal vote??

      Any organization who is paid by fleecing tax money from the hard earned citizens, should be completely ignored.

      They are most likely endorsing these individuals, because they will give them what they want, whether the city/county is broke or not.

      • I couldn’t agree more. The FOP is a joke and their endorsements are worthless. In fact, I’m inclined to give the opposition more weight.

  1. Wow. Stan Wheeler didn’t even show up and got the endorsement. I’m sure his union ties had nothing to do with that.

    • One would think the Clerk of Circuit Court has important enough a connection with the justice system for the FOP to endorse a candidate!

  2. Who is Clifford Holm and who is he running against? Never heard of him.
    The Gulledge endorsement is interesting considering he’s up against current coroner Groves. She shows up at death investigations and so do the cops. What do they know that we don’t? I thought she was a shoe-in until Gulledge stepped in the race. But now I think she’s going to lose. I think it’s going to b a big republican year and races like hers tend to blow with the wind. Interesting also that cops are usually republicans and they endorsed 4 democrats and only 2 republicans. Surprised so many other spots aren’t endorsed. Recorder is but clerk isn’t? That’s weird. Very weird. I agree with Soon2b. Why don’t you guys put the names of the candidates on here so we know who these people are running against. How do I know if I agree with the endorsements if I don’t know who they’re running against? Just like Holm. My gut tells me he’s running against someone well known but I don’t know who.

    • The incumbent County Recorder is Z Tuley. The two candidates for County Clerk are Chris Walsh and Debbie Stucki. Surely the candidates for all the county offices in 2012 are listed online at the two respective party websites.

      • The big news is the FOP did not endorse Rick Davis, the incumbent, for Treasurer. Susan Kirk,the Republican candidate, is going to beat Rick.

      • I shouldn’t have to look. I should be able to go to a news web site and see what I need.
        But you forced me to look so I did.
        Yes, the Republicans have their candidates online. The Democrats don’t have squat. So I would not have known Z Tuley was the county recorder democrat candidate. Like I said I shouldn’t have to look. A news organization should put this out there for me. But at least this site has the endorsements online. The courier doesn’t.

        • You’re right, by this time in the election cycle the Democrat Party website should be fully updated.

          • Based on their website they don’t want you to know where they are, how to call them or where to vote. Amazing. And we thought the dems helped the republicans last time. Looks like they have just folded up shop completely this time around.

          • The message I get when I visit the Vanderburgh County Democrat Party’s website is that it will display all the updated information soon:

            The front page carries this message:
            “Elections are just around the corner and we are redesigning our web page for our new slate of great candidates. Check back soon for the debut of the new site.”

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