First Lady Shares Behind-the-Scenes Glimpse at Governor’s Residence Holiday Decorations


First Lady Karen Pence today shared photos she captured of the Governor’s Residence to show a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the holiday decorations adorning the Residence and grounds. This year’s decorations incorporated Indiana’s state colors, blue and gold, in honor of Indiana’s Bicentennial celebration.


Below is a quick rundown of some of the unique details among the Residence and grounds décor. The photos can be found on the Governor’s Flickr account here and the First Lady’s photo gallery here.


Recently, the Governor and First Lady announced additional tour dates had been added for Hoosiers to see firsthand the holiday décor at the Residence. Hoosiers overwhelmingly responded, and all tour dates and times for the remainder of December have been filled. Regular tours will resume mid-January on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. ET and 11:00 a.m. ET.