The Evansville Water and Sewer Utility will host a Project Open House on the First Avenue Water Main Replacement Wednesday, August 14, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in Room 107 at Ivy Tech Community College, 3501 N. First Avenue. The purpose of the meeting it to explain the project scope and answer questions from the public. Media are welcome to attend.
EWSU officials will give an overview of the project and provide general customer information. Following the brief presentation, officials will be available to talk one-on-one to answer individual property questions.
The First Avenue Water Main Replacement project is estimated to include 7,900 feet of new 4-inch to a 36-inch water main pipe and related improvements from Eichel Avenue to Colonial Avenue. The goal is to increase water supply to northern areas of the EWSU distribution system and improve water distribution.
The project is scheduled to bid in late 2019, with construction anticipated to begin in early 2020.
To learn more about this and other ongoing and upcoming water main replacement projects as part of the Refresh Evansville Program, visit