Firefighters Local #357 Endorsements Finalized and Ratified


The final endorsements are as follows:

Mayor of Evansville: Rick Davis (D)

City Council Ward 1: Dan McGinn (R)

City Council Ward 2: E. Lon Walters (R)

City Council Ward 3: No Endorsement

City Council Ward 4: No Endorsement

City Council Ward 5: Brent Grafton (R)

City Council Ward 6: Al Lindsey (D)

City Council At-Large Endorsements:

Dr. H. Dan Adams (D)

Michelle Mercer (R)

Bill Kramer (R)


  1. Davis?




    I wish, when these unions endorsed candidates, that they would express exactly why they choose what they choose.

  2. Were the candidates in the 3rd and 4th Wards unwilling to bend over and give them whatever they wanted ?

    • Isn’t the fourth ward the kingdom of Queen Connie the Paper Napkin Czarina of the Fiefdom of Aztar? Isn’t she unopposed, and thus not on the ballot? Duh?

      • Dan McGinn also is unopposed and not on the ballot, and he got the endorsement. There must be more to the story than being unopposed and not on the ballot. If you could have seen the scowls on the faces of the yellow jacket squad last night when Connie spoke, you would know surely there is another side of the story.

    • Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley, the Democrat candidate for the 3rd District council seat, has been a labor lawyer, has negotiated and written contracts for labor unions, has arbitrated for labor unions, and has been philosophically allied with labor for years. Her opponent flatly states he supports union busting legislation at the state level. It’s a travesty that a labor group like the Evansville fire fighters union disregarded Brinkerhoff-Riley’s candidacy and refused to endorse her simply to show unwavering support for the splinter group candidates.

  3. While I’d never try to speak for the firefighters and this did say “PRE” which would indicate a guess or projection based on mole info, I would take a stab at explaining why I think they would choose these candidates.

    Rick Davis: Not part of the old boys club that has kept the city employees in turmoil for the last 3-4 years, and of course the rumored promise to remove Keith Jarboe who is also a member of the old boys club.

    Al Lindsey: A no brainer he is one of their own….

    H Dan Adams: IMHO one of the bright spots on the city council, certainly not part of the old boys club, an intelligent man who I think has the best interest of the city and it’s population in his heart.

    You left out Mr Walters….

    EL LON Walters: Since Patrick McBride (another of their own) was defeted in the primary by Missy Mosby it would only make sense that they would support him.

    As you can see…like everyone else this year the firefighters are crossing party lines trying to support the best candidates regardless of part affiliation, the big shock to the candidates will be that the voters will be doing the same.


  4. All the endorsements seem to be centered around the mayoral candidate and his followers, with the exception of Dan McGinn. I do not understand that choice.

  5. This is Shaun Short the Republican running for 6th City Council. In response to the endorsement for Al Lindsey I want everyone to know that I had a chance to speak to the Firefighter’s PAC at Bill Kramer’s reception. We all made it clear that there was mutual respect for each other. I understood that they were going to support one of their own and I made it clear that they had not lost me as a supporter of the Fire Department just because they did not choose to endorse me.

    I am proud to say that in 2001 I tried out for the local fire department and made the 50 man reserve list. I was not called up during the two years the list is considered active. I did not try out again because in 2003 I was offered an opportunity to teach with the NYC Teaching Fellows in the South Bronx.

    I have absolutely no ill feelings towards the fire department. In fact, just a few weeks ago an elderly family friend of the Short family made a late night 911 call for medical help. My opponent, Al Lindsey, was on duty that night at fire house #7. He was with the team that made the run and was able to help our friend in a very quick time period. I saw Al out walking a couple days later and was able to personally thank him for his help. This is just one of the thousands examples why Evansville’s Fire Department is one of the crown jewels of our city, and why, regardless of their political choices, they will not lose me as a supporter.

    • Thank you Mr. Short! Very well said! And I can assure everyone, no matter WHO gets elected, the Evansville Fire Department will continue to be “one of the crown jewels” of our city and will always continue to serve and protect the citizens of Evansville!

  6. Firefighters Endorsement Rationale:

    Mayor of Evansville: Rick Davis (D): Since his campaign for County Treasurer, Rick has made it plain to his firefighting supporters that his first cousin, Keith Jarboe, is on top of his mile long scheistist, and Rick is rumored to have promised the chief’s position to the firefighter’s president.

    City Council Ward 1: Dan McGinn (R): No opponent. No contest. May as well endorse a sure winner.

    City Council Ward 2: E. Lon Walters (R): Incumbent councilwoman Missy Mosby whooped up on Rick’s handpicked 2nd Ward candidate in the primary. Payback time!

    City Council Ward 3: No Endorsement: Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley wooped up on Rick’s handpicked 3rd Ward candidate in the primary. Payback times 2.

    City Council Ward 4: No Endorsement: Incumbent councilwoman, Connie Robinson, has reacted to Rick’s repeated disrespect of Connie in a manner to be expected, and Rick doesn’t like it. I’m sure Rick’s had an influence on this non-endorsement same as in wards two and three.

    City Council Ward 5: Brent Grafton (R): John Friend was the first one to jog over and shake Rick’s hand after his primary night victory, but previously John was rumored to be considering a run for mayor in the primary if Troy didn’t do it, and earned a place in Rick’s little black book of revenge. Payback times five!

    City Council Ward 6: Al Lindsey (D): Rick’s political siamese twin.

    City Council At-Large Endorsements:

    Dr. H. Dan Adams (D): Charter member of the Pick Rick Pack, and when he polled nose to nose with Curt John in their last at-large council election, Rick, Bitz, Rip Van Walker, and the entire JFK crew rushed over, patted Dr. Dan on the back, and dubbed him “the next mayor of Evansville.” However, after 4 years of learning how fickle Evansville politics can be, Dr. Dan, Bitz, BKS, and the crew adopted the mantra: LET RICKIE TRY IT!

    Michelle Mercer (R): Anyone but Weaver, who opened the season with “Rick isn’t on Team Weaver,” and nobody in the Davis camp can let that ride.

    Bill Kramer (R): Well, if you were negotiating contracts with the council, the last person you want on the other side of the table is an intelligent lawyer. So, they went with a Tea Party cab driver.

    Should be interesting tonight at the Labor Temple candidates night on Fulton Avenue, especially when Robbie Robinson (Connie’s brother) does the introductions.

      • Anybody not overtly progressive, unionist seems to be getting “tea party” labeled lately…

        It indicates to me the labeler is a foot soldier in the union war against the “tea party, SOB’s”?

      • I saw you at one of the Tea Party rallies and just made an assumption. Do you or do you not hold Tea Party political values? Or were you just there as a sightseer?

        • You were at Tea Party rallies? So should I ascertain that you hold Tea Party political values based on your exibited cycle of reasoning within this thread?

          Like most candidates, I have attended events hosted by groups representing a vast cross section of our community. Tea Party events are no exception.

          I certainly have received much support from people who consider themselves to be “Tea Party members” as I also have received support from Republican leadership, Independent voters, a handful of lifelong Democrats, business owners, and Union members.

          It seems as I have the support of a cross-section of our community and I certainly hope this is because people can see that my goal is to be fair to everyone as much as is possible without forcing my own personal agenda.

          Many have heard the story about the life-long democrat woman on Evansille’s south side who somewhat ‘inspired’ me to run for office, when she shared that she didn’t think we could trust ‘any’ politicians. Like this Democrat woman, and the Tea Party, I don’t believe this is how it should be. I believe that Government should work for the people and not the other way around.

          Label it however you wish – but my only goal in this is to represent the citizens of Evansville.

    • All I needed to know…


      Did I read that right, zero picks explainable via *policy*? (With exception of the self serving punishment of votes on station closures)

      I keep harping that it’s not necessarily the POLITICIANS that are fundamentally to blame for the sneagle…

      • Keep in mind that we are all just guessing as to the reasons based on our opinion, all policies are interpretable in many different ways when your not privy to first hand information or conversations, just like the assumption veracity made about Mr Kramer.

        That is unless the CCO has moles and trolls spewing forth false info because of a agenda….nah!

        • There may be moles and trolls posting here but we are not pulling anyone’s strings.

  7. Congrats to ALL the candidates for being endorsed by such a great group of union men and women!

  8. I just saw Ricks commercial on TV and noticed one of the fireman he used was Missy Mosbys opponent in the primary. I guess thats what Rick calls unity.

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