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Firefighter Seek Seat on Evansville City Council in Second Ward

Patrick McBride

Patrick McBride, a member of the City of Evansville Fire Department and currently working 3rd shift assigned to Hose House #15, has launched a challenge to incumbent City Councilwoman Missy Mosby. Councilwoman Mosby captured the 2nd Ward Seat in 2007 on the coattails of Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel’s landslide win over Republican challenger The Reverend David Nixon as a member Team Weinzapfel. Mr. McBride and Miss Mosby are both Evansville natives and lifetime Democrats possessing strong personal interests in the affairs of the 2nd Ward that they both call home.

Councilwoman Mosby’s time on the City Council during Mayor Weinzapfel’s second term has been faced with many controversial votes including the construction of the new Evansville Arena, the announcement that Hose Houses #10 and #14 are slated for closure, the Homestead Tax Credit fiasco, a Sewer Rate Hike, the financial failure of Knight Township, the Executive Inn Dilemma, and a tie vote to toughen the City of Evansville’s smoking ban.

Mr. McBride does not mince words when it comes to the reason for his desire to run for City Council. He was quite animated in stating that his practical common sense approach to life leads to the conclusion that “he is just not satisfied with how things are being done”. As a man who started working on a construction crew at the age of eleven (11), did a stint as a small business owner, and eventually established a career as a protector of the public with the Evansville Fire Department, Patrick McBride has no use for public policies and actions that do not pass the common sense test.

Patrick McBride is a man who paid $900 for his first vehicle at the age of 18 and still believes in living within ones means both personally and governmentally. He is a man who expresses the opinion that “if you can’t take care of what you have, you have no business building something new”. He furthermore believes that the government of the City of Evansville’s first duty is to serve the will of the people of Evansville and big expenditures like the Arena should be voted on by the people in a referendum before proceeding.

When asked what are the three biggest issues facing the City of Evansville and the 2nd Ward, Mr. McBride responded that crumbling infrastructure and in particular road conditions are first, the sewer discharges are second, and that support of local jobs is third. He is particularly disappointed in the number of out of town firms that are getting the construction contracts in Evansville. In closing Mr. McBride wants the people of the 2nd Ward to know that he is not a “yes man”, that if he sees that something is wrong he is willing to call it that, and that he is confused why Evansville is obsessing over entertainment when basic industries like Whirlpool are packing up and leaving town.

Patrick McBride is a man with nothing to hide. That is common language for the politically fashionable term of transparency.


  1. I think Patrick would be a good councilman. Good luck. It ia time for a change and he would be a great one!!

  2. I think Patrick would be a good councilman. Good luck. It is time for a change and he would be a great one!!

  3. I think Patrick is an excellent person and would be great for the second ward. We need change and I think he would be passionate enough to make it happen.

  4. You won’t find a more straightforward person. Pat is honest to the verge of being blunt but because of that he won’t try to hem and haw around the issues. He would be a great friend and servant to the people of Evansville. He already risks his life for others. What does Missy Mosby do?

    • And what exactly is wrong with actually getting to know candidates BEFORE the election season? Other than the fact that it makes it harder for them to lie and cover up their past and/or have their opponent spread lies about them.

      I’m sure the citizens are capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time.

  5. Wow – now that’s perspective! I think we often react in agreement or disagreement because of our emotions, but hearing another side, passionately presented, really makes us think!

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