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Fire Marshal Encourages Smoke Alarms, Escape Routes During Indiana Fire Prevention October 4-11



Fire Marshal Encourages Smoke Alarms, Escape Routes During Indiana Fire Prevention October 4-11


INDIANAPOLIS – October 4-11 is Fire Prevention Week in the state of Indiana, and the Indiana State Fire Marshal is asking all Hoosiers to make sure that their households are prepared in the event of a fire.


“There are several steps that homeowners should take when safeguarding themselves against fire, and one of the most important is to make sure that working smoke alarms are present in the home,” said State Fire Marshal James Greeson. “Having a properly-functioning smoke alarm in the home makes you 50% more likely to escape the situation safely.”


Installing smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside of each separate sleeping area and on every level of the home including the basement can help to warn those inside of a quickly-spreading fire. Listed below are other useful smoke alarm tips:

  • Test smoke alarms every month, and change batteries at least once every six months.
  • Replace smoke alarms every 8-10 years.
  • Know the difference between the two types of smoke alarms. Ionization alarms work best when a fast-moving fire occurs. Photoelectric alarms are quicker at sensing smoldering, smoky fires. There are specialty alarms that are a combination of both.


While smoke alarms help to provide extra time to escape a fire, it’s also important to practice escape plans with those in the household so that everyone knows which exits to use in each room of the home. These escape plans should be practiced both during the day and during the night. In the event of a fire, it is important to have a designated meeting place outside and away from home. Make sure everyone is accounted for and designate one person to call the fire department.


The Indiana Department of Homeland Security is also encouraging all businesses and schools to schedule a fire drill during this week to ensure that escape plans are still practiced with staff and students alike.


For more information on fire safety and prevention, visit GetPrepared.IN.gov.