Final Vote on Changes to Preservation Procedures and Guidelines Set for Jan. 6

Posted Date:12/19/2013
The Evansville Historic Preservation Commission is proceeding with plans to amend its “Guidelines and Procedures.” The first change adds definitions to the “Guidelines.” The second revision defines Preservation Commission oversight over non-historic buildings in the district. The third amendment establishes procedures for determining when a project is not viewable from a public way and therefore not under the Commission’s oversight. The other two amendments deal with siding and removal of fences.The Preservation meeting scheduled for January 6th, 2014 will be the final opportunity for public comment on the amendments. This meeting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. in room 318 of the Civic Center. After the public comment, the Commission will either accept or reject the proposed amendments.

The Evansville Preservation Commission encourages anyone interested in or has a concern about these proposed amendments to attend its January 6th meeting. The public can review these proposed amendments at:


  1. Once,thought of the purchase of a home in a historical preservation district. However its Chartered organizations “Guidelines,and procedures”combined with some pretty invasive property tax assessments per that district soon made it “clearly unworthy” of the costing investment to maintain(sustain)the grand old home and its intrinsic value to myself, or any other person who might be captivated by the Victorian era presentation of the design purposing per social period as presented.

    The place is still there,and for sale a again.

    I might add,Its no wonder,conditionally,the thing probably broke the owners bank with the old districts organizational Bylaws,and Guidelines,Overrated Assessments. “Those said to be inset” like a Mt.Kilimanjaro Gorilla sized tick, firmly on the back of its owners,Amidst its once stately,however “quaint presentation”.

    Looking back,adjustment of those types of organizations “archaic” standards one can see “today and forward” the presentation of such “properties real valuations” can be “greatly enhanced” while using systems and methodologies focused on “cost effective however, sustainable balances”.
    This is easily accomplished without “invasive visual applications” that can sometimes take from the periods intrinsic property abstract,moved forward.
    “Sustainable,conceptualization,innovation AND preservation through applied science,and innovative cost savings for future pathways.
    Such planning offers real property value built with “Environmentally Balanced Sustainability”* defining innovation,unique and moved forward systems,applied to….”Preservation.” 🙂

    (“cave ab homnie unius libri”)

    “beware of anybody,that has just one book”

    (“data et accepta”)

    “expenditure and receipts”

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