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    It’s not that they did meet with senior Communist Russian officials.
    It’s that they are hiding those meetings.
    And they are denying and lying they had the Russian meetings.

    The real conservative media (Murdoch owns Fox News too) is asking the right questions:
    “President Trump is now engaging in Twitter-feuds mimicking female rappers Nicky Minaj and Remy who Twitter feud over “that bitch ho has butt implants to make her ass sexy.” President Trump Twitter-feuds posting a photo of Charles Schumer with Vladimir Putin and called for an investigation of the two Democratic leader.”

    And the conservative and Republican WALL STREET JOURNAL correctly pointed out:
    “President Trump’s problem is his administration keeps denying and lying that numerous cabinet and campaign officials met with senior Communist Russian officials during the election. Two Cabinet officials are now damaged goods because of the denials. Why are they being caught in so many lies about these Russian meetings? Why is it important to hide the meetings? Why are they continually denying the meetings?”
    …..and on Trump’s efforts to weakly blame Democrats, the WSJ points out:
    “However, Schumer did not deny meeting Russian officials during a confirmation hearing before Congress. Mr. Sessions did.
    And U.S. intelligence officials have not said the Russian government tried to influence the outcome of an election to help Mr. Schumer or Mrs. Pelosi. But U.S. intelligence officials have said Russia and Putin tried to help the Trump campaign.
    Trump’s twitter feud backfired when Mr. Schumer responded to the president’s Twitter messages on the matter with a statement saying that he would happily talk about his contact with Vladmir Putin under oath, taunting: “Would you & your team?”


    Weekly Update

    March 3, 2017: This Week’s Headlines

    Federal Court Hearing Set for Next Week on Clinton Email Scandal

    As I told the audience at CPAC, the Hillary Clinton email scandal is far from over.

    We announced this week that a hearing will be held Tuesday, March 7, 2017, regarding our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit seeking Clinton’s emails that were sent or received during her tenure from February 2009 to January 31, 2013. We also seek all emails by other State Department employees to Clinton regarding her non-‘’ email address (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:15-cv-00687)). The case is before Judge James E. Boasberg.

    Items of discussion at the hearing will be the emails of Clinton aide Huma Abedin that were found on the laptop of Anthony Weiner, Abedin’s estranged husband. We also will be seeking answers as to the timing of the release of Clinton’s emails that were recovered by the FBI in its investigation of the server used by Clinton and others.

    The State Department has previously been ordered to produce documents to Judicial Watch and is currently processing 500 pages per month from disk one of seven available disks. At the upcoming hearing, the State Department must address the number of documents subject to FOIA on the remaining disks.

    The lawsuit was originally filed in May 2015. This matter should not just disappear because we have changed administrations. We must hold our highest office holders accountable for their actions, even if they have departed office.

    Unfortunately, when it comes to the Clinton email lawsuits, the Trump administration hasn’t yet deviated from the Obama gang’s approach of obstruction, stonewall, and obfuscation. I’m hoping that that changes as more appointees of President Trump finally make it into office. President Trump has an opportunity to begin a transparency revolution – especially with the Clinton email scandal. Either way, we’ll still be in court holding his administration and the prior corrupt Obama administration to account.

    • Amen Press, is there just 1 elected official in Vanderburgh County that gives a rats ash about Mesker Amphitheater?? This loss of a community jewel is simply incompetence at all levels of local government.

  3. The greatest threat we are facing are not the Russians buts the Obama and Jarrett cou d’etat.

  4. Don’t Drag Me Into This, Asshole – Nixon Tells Trump From Hell

    Damn! Even the dead ain’t buying this sh$t….

  5. What we know for sure:

    October, 2016: FISA request. The Obama administration submits a new (an earlier one was denied), narrowed request to the FISA court, now focused on a computer server in Trump Tower suspected of links to Russian banks. No evidence is found — but the wiretaps continue, ostensibly for national security reasons, Andrew McCarthy at National Review later notes. The Obama administration is now monitoring an opposing presidential campaign using the high-tech surveillance powers of the federal intelligence services.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Imagine what would have happened if Obama had been monitoring Hillary Clinton’s private server during her campaign!

    Before this is over Obama will be lucky if he doesn’t wind up in prison!

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