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  1. WALL STREET JOURNAL today (Saturday):
    What is going on with Trump’s election campaign team, who President Trump in his press conference didn’t deny had contact with Russia operatives, only that “if they did, I didn’t know about it.”

    There are no less than five Investigations of the White House underway. The Republican Party is correct to wish to maintain, and distance themselves from Trump, that “Russia is a kleptocracy, a communist country and a threat to the very existence of the United States.”
    Why are they investigating?
    – It is driven by the sincere and legitimate anxieties that the new Donald Trump White House has an unknown, vulnerable relationship with Vladimir Putin’s government that potentially compromises U.S. security, independence of judgment and freedom of action
    – It is driven by the antipathy of the United States of America’s toward Vladmir Putin, and a desire to bring down those, like Donald Trump, who hope for closer relations with Russia.
    – It is that they have seen—and listened to—enough of Donald Trump to think he’s a screwball, period, and a threat to the republic of the United States.

    (….look, those bony, red-meat dogs in here (Press, JoeBiden, someone who calls himself DanCouper, Al Sharpie, etc), who Trump accurately describes as “they would be fine if I walked out into the street and shot anyone I wanted to”….these Trump low-intellect WWF fans of the reality TV star, OF COURSE THEY HAVE NO PROBLEM with Trump wanting to collude with Communist Putin. But these guys are red-meat thugs. What do you expect? They are bony dogs who Trump has so much influence over, Trump could talk them off of a meat wagon. Even get them to abandon their country. Pretty bad soul-selling right there.)

    • The WALL STREET JOURNAL is “fake news” Becker.

      You need to start getting your news straight from the horse’s mouth if you want accuracy. For instance, “I had the biggest Electoral College win since Reagan”, or “We are operating like a fine-tuned machine”.

      Like al sharpie would say, “You can take those two statements by Law&Order Mr. Trump to the bank”…………….

      And I recommend Lehman Brothers as the bank of choice for deposit. – al sharpie

      The one and only….

      • Hey Reg…..I guess these guys are gonna scream “fake news” after the Republican Party impeaches Trump too. Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan are NOT sidling up to this guy. They have the noose in their back pocket.

    • Don4HillaryBecker:

      Again, there is no “H” in winner. Hillary lost, get a life. Your leftist fake Ruskie news is getting really old. Here is an article from Forbes (not Breitbart) that you should read to help you get election closure:
      The Trump Dossier Is Fake — And Here Are The Reasons Why

      ….”This story is utter nonsense, not worthy of a wacky conspiracy theory of an alien invasion.”….

      …We have reached a sad state of affairs where an anonymous report, full of bizarre statements, captures the attention of the world media because it casts a shadow over the legitimacy of a President-elect, who has not even taken the oath of office. For example, the Trump dossier is tonight’s lead item on German state television and on BBC. False news has become America’s international export to the world media….


      • Forbes is “fake news” Joe.

        Only Breitbart, National Inquirer, Russia Today and The Slovenia Times are newsworthy publications now a days.

        Busing people from Massachusetts to New Hampshire to vote as Trump claimed is total BS according to the New Hampshire GOP Chairman for the last 10 years. And I read that the GOP Chairman said that in Forbes is how I realized it was “fake news”.

        More “fake news” http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/oct/21/donald-trump/trump-right-deportation-numbers-wrong-talks-about-/

        Damn! Seems like you can’t hardly find anyone to trust anymore.

        Believe me….

      • Hey Joe:
        More Hillary stuff? THAT is your explanation for Trump/Russian problems? And you fallback INSTANTLY for “fake news” as an excuse? Laugh my ass off at you.
        BTW, I voted for Libertarian Gary Johnson. Even the dumb-asses in here know that.

        I can’t help it Trump is failing and has a Russian problem. But everytime that gets pointed out, you are so damn insecure about it, and so damn insecure about the loss of the popular vote, and so damn insecure about the f’n embarrassing crap that comes out of Trump’s mouth…you start hollering “Hillary! Hillary!”


  2. Only children and most dems,( and someone calling themselves Don Becker), who have yet to accumulate any useful knowledge or common sense would believe Putin preferred Trump over Clinton.
    Fake news directed to children by the “main stream media”. Works every time.

    • Your comments are a joke, Sir. Even dead people know Putin preferred Trump.
      This is not even a point of dispute. (This “every excuse for problems and failure is to holler ‘fake news” is OLD and infantile.)

      The Wall Street Journal was DEAD ON correct today.


  3. Wonder how many Republicans ran last year on raising taxes. First and foremost there should be a full and public accounting of where the gas tax revenue has been spent in the last,say, ten years. My guess is a huge amount did not go to roads.

  4. little john gruber described the barry hussein radical left voters perfectly “we rely on the stupidity of our voters”……………………hence we now have what has become known as the Gruber Goobers…………….the ruskies did it…………………gruber is proved right yet again………..and donnie pecker proves it everyday………….without a doubt……….

  5. law $ Order President Trump to speak direct to the American People @ 4 pm local time………….the same American People that gave law $ Order President Trump a Landslide victory……………….

  6. In fact……..this whole “don’t like what I’m hearing, so I holler ‘Fake News!!'”

    ……hell, it’s like you’re crying “Momma!!! Momma!!!”

    “Momma!! Momma!!!”

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