Todays “READERS POLL” question is” Do you agree with City Councilman Weaver comment that the terms of his protective order is a personal matter?

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  1. Commentary on Trump by the Editors of the Wall Street Journal today:

    Botched immigration order has shifted power to Judges who now can restrict executive power over national security.
    President Trump’s immigration executive order has been a fiasco from the start, but the damage is spreading as a federal appeals court on Thursday declined to lift a legal blockade. Now the Trump White House order has become an opening for judges to restrict the power of the political branches to conduct foreign policy.

    President Trump, unwittingly intending to improve national security, did it so badly, he has weakened his Office.

    • Mr. Becker ..this is nothing new ..in the writings of Thomas Jefferson he proclaimed that the Constitution allowed Despotism in its very form ..he went on to say ..the tribunal of powers in its very nature was necessary to assure that government would not be concentrated ..however, the executive and legislative branches were subject to the electorate leaving the one branch to despotism ..his conclusion was the constitution was flawed in its conception allowing judges not accountable to the electorate to consider the Constitution like clay. Of course, the critic to this notion would counter by stating we have the impeachment provision, but try to implement in the House of Lords.

  2. Now perhaps we have witnessed some form of wisdom by the City Council’s majority who ousted Weaver from it;s leadership last month. We can only hope that the majority comes to their sense in regards to ousting their current president. Let’s be faithful that the level of duplicity will not be sustainable less she falls from favor by Mrs. Mayor.

  3. President Trump has a lot of work ahead cleaning up after barry hussein soetoro the community organizer and after 3 weeks President Trump has done exactly what he promised the American voters the same voters that gave Mr Trump a landslide victory………………keep them there pussy hats on your head leftist commies………President Trump Law $ Order 2017 And Beyond……………………good by money suckin deadbeat illigals…………………..

    • dull person

      Have you ever considered remedial English, course in grammar that EVSC offers for free for local residents? Your attempt at writing is farcical at best.

      And his name is President Obama, or President Barack Obama. It is clear that you have no manners, but try and keep up and stop your alt-right nonsense

      Oh, and “landslide victory” is a BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA moment. Loser Drumpf LOST by close to 3 million votes, and you are as ignorant as he is for continuing to spout the “landslid” nonsense.

      Also, out of 45 Presidents, Drumpf managed to post the 43rd worst Electoral College margin in the history of America. Only two Presidents won the Electoral College by a smaller margin. So Drumpf is second from bottom of the list.

      Once again, your lack of facts is laughable

  4. lgnorant classless does not realize there has been more than 45 Presidential elections typical basement dwelling commie leftist…………….keep that pussy hat on……. I hate for you to loose your gubmint job at the civic center your mommy got for you…………barry hussein hires people like you for full time protesting…………………lolllllllllllllllllllllllll………………lolllllllllll

    • Hey, dull bum, you are proving your lack reading comprehension.

      I posted “out of 45 Presidents, Drumpf managed to post the 43rd worst Electoral College margin in the history of America”

      I did not state ELECTIONS, I stated presidents. Get mommy to help you use Google to research stuff before you peck stupidity on the keyboard. I know being a loser such as yourself is depressing, but so is your ignorance

      • Let’s be clear about something.

        Donald Trump’s Presidency is pure reality TV drama…it is the WWF White House.

        Al Sharpie is a WWF Trump fan….THAT much is 100% clear.
        Have you ever looked in who is sitting in the seats at a World Wrestling Federation event? Toothless, dull-witted, low-intellect redneck savages……THAT is who. They don’t think. They react. Pile on, body on body….for red meat thrown to them.

        You can try to discuss something with them, they may stand there with a glaze across their eye pretending to listen, but then a raw 1-1/2 inch chuck roast is thrown through the air……and ole Trump WWF Fan Al Sharpie, he is GONE, chasing that red meat.

      • No class you might want to go back to school also , our president’s name happens to be President Trump and so far he has been keeping his campaign promises,and with certain trade agreements Mexico will pay for the wall .

        • No he hasn’t Eviltaxpayer. In fact, quite the opposite Evil.

          Trump SAYS he will do things (and YOU, because you’re a fool, think that means he did them). But Trump is ineptly failing to do anything, cause he keeps f’n it up.
          It has ALL been READY, FIRE. No AIM.
          Read the WSJ. They’re a conservative newspaper. You toothless morons don’t read. Maybe you can’t.

  5. Hey, folks. Who was it that stated “all politics is local”? In general, the national political scene does not necessarily effect our daily lives here in Evansville. We are faced with higher utilities bills, higher property taxes, higher local option income taxes, bad streets and bad schools,failing local infrastructure.

    We have out of control local spending. Stupid local political pork barrel projects. Now we have a Evansville City Councilman charged with alleged criminal act of validating a Protective Order against one of his ex-wives. Why is it that this sort of behavior was allowed to be coverup over the last several years?

    Also why is it that the son-in-law of former Mayoral candidate Gail Riecken, Joseph Langerak represented Councilman Jonathan Weaver in his Protective Order case after he openly working against Mrs.Riecken for Mayor? I would also like to know why the Judge allowed two Protective Orders concerning Mr. Weaver to be sealed by the court?

    I now hear that former Evansville City Council attorney Scott Dank is now representing this rude dude Weaver. Everybody in the political know that Councilman Weaver was instrumental in removing Scott Danks as the City Council attorney.

    Oh, I also hear that Mr. Weaver was married three (3) times and not twice (2) as reported by the media.

    How crazy can all of this be?

  6. donnie pecker has been and is wrong about President Trump since the get go…..donnie is the classic example of a slow learner that never learn and they keep repeating their same mistakes…….just like the commie leftist they just keep loosing loosing and loosing some more they just do not get it………..by the way no way to respond to classless in eville same slow learner…………..President Trump has without a doubt out performed more than 2 Presidents more fake news by classless Mommy’s boy…………..President Trump Law $ Order 2017 $ Beyond………….boys after President Trump takes away your welfare the 2 of you will have no choice but to sign up for barry hussein soetoros full time protesters………..or maybe your family’s are nothing but illegal money suckers…….yell that’s it……….

    • Al.
      You make no sense. And worse, when you can understand what you write, none of it is accurate.
      You do have a flue in your bunker, right?

    • (….your bunkers, they connect underground Carlos? You upgrade to a bunker flue, yet?)

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