James Redwine Gavel Gamut: FEARLESS CHARLIE GASTON



    By Jim Redwine


    (Week of 28 October 2024)


    On the morning of October 12 as Peg and I waited for the classy and lovely wedding celebration of Laura Campbell and Aravind Ayala at the Roofless Church in New Harmony, Indiana, I received a cellphone call from my always excited friend, Charles Gaston. “Judge! Judge! It’s your friend Charlie Gaston, I wrote a better book than you! Come to 325 Tavern Street and get your copy, Now!”

    Three two five Tavern Street is the address of the 1860’s era brick home Charlie has personally renovated into a marvelous homage to all that is the small community of Rappite/Owen living history with Charlie as one of its extremely special residents. Charlie has only one gear, constant enthusiasm for life, and he was, as always, generously sharing it with the rest of us. After 88 years of giving and positive shining Charlie knows no negative thoughts. It is impossible to be with Charlie and be negative yourself. You might as well give up on gloom and get with Charlie’s program; you will just feel better.

    Peg and I walked the three blocks from our lodging at the 1840 Harmonist House to Charlie’s unique and mesmerizing home. Charlie met us at the open front door with multiple handshakes and a stream of information from the final sale of his farm to the personally refinished wooden desk he had saved from extinction and placed with his and our friends, Rod and Lynn Clark’s, Lowry Hollow store on Main Street.

    Charlie had my JUDGE LYNCH! book title tacked up on his wall and told me it was what had inspired him to finally write his autobiography. Of course, knowing Charlie’s generous spirit I assumed this was a beau geste, but it was still good to hear. That’s what time spent with Charlie does for you. You just feel better.

    After the wedding celebration I started reading Charlie’s book and its companion piece by Charlie’s friend, Susan Wunder, titled Their Land, Too, Charles Gaston’s Back to the Land Story, that exposits Charlie’s love of nature and his organic farming with horses and sweat. It is a paean to Charlie’s dedication to the environment and healthy living.

    And Charlie’s commitment to helping others and preserving the environment is not of the armchair variety. Not only did he operate his farm without modern machinery, he rode his bicycle thousands of miles from 1971 up through his winter ride from his home in New Harmony, Indiana to his farm and log cabin in Bloomington, Indiana (132 miles) to celebrate his 80th birthday.

    Peg and I proudly claim Charlie as our friend, but such status is hardly unique. Charlie is everybody’s friend and the Earth’s too. And, I have to ungrudgingly admit, not only is Charlie a light in each of the lives he has touched, he is once again correct, he has written a better book than I have; get it for yourself! 

    A Path Apart

    Stories from my beautiful life


    Charles Gaston

    Charlie’s address is Post Office Box 793, New Harmony, Indiana 47631. Since Charlie would not take any money from Peg and me, I do not know the price, but I am confident it won’t be expensive and maybe not much more than shipping and handling.

    What I do know is that it will be worth whatever you pay; you will just feel better!

    For more Gavel Gamut articles go to www.jamesmredwine.com


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