Faith and Values: Hope for the New Year


Faith and Values: Hope for the New Year

by Jerome Stewart

January 1, 2024

Now that we have entered 2025 many people hope that it will be a very good year. In an article in Mental Health News, it says according to a Forbes Health/OnePoll survey conducted in October of 2023, 61.7% of respondents say they feel pressured to set a New Year’s resolution. The article also says; “The reality is, however, that over 90% of New Year resolutions will be abandoned within just a few months.” As to this writer, I do not have a New Year’s resolution to share, but I do have hope.

It is rooted in a belief that when there is a willingness to trust in the wisdom of the almighty God as opposed to the misguided wisdom of mankind, the world, this nation will become a much better place. So let’s just cut to the chase which means get to the point. Here’s the point. Do you know Jesus? If not you need to. He died for you. In Romans chapter 12 the brethren were reminded of the importance of Christian conduct.

Be advised God has shown us the power of love. He sent us Jesus! Every child of God should take to heart the things said about Jesus and by Jesus. When no time or thought has been given in seeking to understand the things said in the word of God, then recognizing one will have no sense of direction. It is essential to get into the word of God and be spiritually fed every day. The word is our lifeline. It is the spiritual oxygen we need to survive in a civilized society.

We gain a sense of direction as to how to live this life. The words of Lewis Carroll come to mind which says; “If you don’t know where you are going any road will get you there.” We have so much anger-filled behavior today because so many people are lost having rejected the gospel of Jesus Christ. Romans 12 vs. 9 the apostle Paul says; “Let love be without
hypocrisy. Abhor which means (hate extremely) is evil. Cling to what is
good.” Vs. 21 says; “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

Listen to the words of Paul to the brethren in Colossians chapter 3 vss. 12 thru 14 which says; “Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another, even as Christ forgave you, so you must also do. But above all these things put on love,
which is the bond of perfection.” 1 st . Corinthians 13 vs. 4 says; “Love suffers long and is kind.” May you have a blessed 2025!