Fair Housing Month: Indiana Bar Foundation resources Line


Founded in 1950, the Indiana Bar Foundation has become a statewide and national leader in expanding civic education and contributing to an accessible civil legal system for all Indiana residents. Members of the foundation work together to improve the access and presence of civic education and legal assistance for Hoosiers. An extension of their mission, Indiana Legal Help, a client-driven program, provides assistance and self-help resources for qualified Hoosiers, some of whom cannot afford legal representation or services. 

Legal topics covered by this service are as follows:

  • Housing
  • Family and Safety
  • Money and Estate
  • Military, Immigration, and Employment
  • Driving and Expungement
  • Other Legal Issues

Legal advice, through qualified service providers, is available in every county in the state. For general inquiries regarding free and low-cost legal help. 

There are also events where you can get in-person, topic-specific legal advice. 

The Indiana Bar Foundation and Indiana Legal Help are here to serve and advocate on behalf of all Hoosiers as the leader and voice for a better understanding of the law and the legal system in Indiana, while providing access to services that in some cases, would not be affordable to an individual or family. Please do not hesitate to explore these options if you are in need of assistance.