Explore your spirituality during a New Harmony labyrinth workshop


Historic New Harmony’s 2011-2012 Interfaith Dialogue Series kicks off Saturday, October 22. Paths to Interfaith Dialogue: A Labyrinth Workshop will take place in New Harmony from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. starting at the Atheneum, 401 North Arthur Street. Lunch will be provided for $10. This is an opportunity for young adults interested in interfaith dialogue to explore their faith and the faith of others in an environment that encourages reflection, discussion, and action.

Participants in this spiritual journey will be guided by workshop facilitator, Rev. Dr. Duncan Newcomer. Labyrinths have been used as spaces of spiritual awareness for faiths across cultures for centuries. This workshop focuses on individuals who are interested in contributing to interfaith cooperation. “The conversation I offer is one of connecting boundaries,” said Newcomer. Newcomer will lead students in walking New Harmony’s labyrinths and discussing individual spiritual growth, community building, and action on common ground.

Newcomer holds a doctorate in ministry from the Chicago Theological Seminary and is trained in the labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral by Veriditas. Over the years, Newcomer has taught at all levels from secondary to graduate schools, been a private practice psychotherapist, a pastoral counselor, and a senior and interim minister of churches. He is a noted preacher and published poet. Newcomer now lives and works in New Harmony.

Register for the workshop online at https://www.usi.edu/extserv/ssl/regform.asp, course number, HNH270, or by calling 812-464-1989.

Historic New Harmony is a unified program of the University for Southern Indiana and the Indian State Museum and Historic Sites. By preserving its utopian legacy, Historic New Harmony will inspire renewal & fellowship between people and communities through its programs & collections. Additional information about Historic New Harmony can be found by calling 812-682-4488 or visiting http://www.usi.edu/hnh/index.php

Source: USI.edu