EVSC to Utilize Virtual Option for Remaining Make Up Days


The EVSC will once again utilize the state’s Virtual Option as the method for recovering learning time lost for two additional snow days taken so far this year.

To date, the EVSC has taken four snow days, two of which will be made up on April 15 and 18. The third snow day was originally scheduled to be made up on Monday, Feb. 15, but that make up day was also cancelled due to inclement weather. The two remaining snow days will be made up using the state’s virtual option.

In the virtual option, students will be given their virtual lessons on a Monday and students will engage in the virtual lessons throughout the week with the support from teachers through virtual “office hours.” Students will have one week to complete the assignments. Students who do not complete the virtual lessons will be marked absent.

“Technology has opened the doors to learning in ways that were not possible just a few years ago,” said Superintendent David Smith. “By utilizing our virtual option, students can continue exploring current lessons. While adding days at the end of the school year is very simple to do, we know that it is not in the best interest of student achievement.”

This year’s virtual schedule is:

  • Monday, Feb. 22: first virtual assignments distributed. Assignments will be due Monday, Feb. 29.
  • Monday, March 28: second virtual assignments distributed. Assignments will be due Monday, April 4.


As part of the virtual option, the state requires that students engage in lessons given to them by their teachers, just as they would on a normal school day, except that all or parts of the work involves accessing online learning systems or other Internet-related resources. Students will be able to interact with their teachers through a variety of options such as using their learning management system, via email, telephone, Skype, WebEx, etc. Teachers will be in touch with their students on the best ways to reach him/her during the pre-determined learning time.


Students may do the work on their own time, with their device and Internet at home or other locations. Students also can make use of times the school building is open before and after school, and receive teacher support in those pre-determined times. Schools will communicate more information regarding their extended hours with their families.


In addition, many of EVSC’s community partners have offered their facilities WIFI and devices for student use. Below is a partial list of EVSC’s community partners who have offered their facilities so that students can have access to computers and Internet. There are other partners that may be specific to certain schools not listed.

  • The Boys and Girls Club
  • The Dream Center
  • Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library (all branches)
  • YMCA
  • Carver Community Center – Available Monday-Friday
  • Local churches