Home Community News EVSC Technology Specialist Selected as Sony Ambassador

EVSC Technology Specialist Selected as Sony Ambassador


Technology is ever changing and school corporations like the EVSC are working hard to ensure students learn the skills they need to compete in the 21st Century. To help the corporation stay ahead of that curve, EVSC employee Tim Wilhelmus, integrated curriculum and technology specialist, was notified recently that he has been named an inaugural member of the Sony Educational Ambassador Program. Wilhelmus is one of 11 members nation-wide who will work with Sony to shape how schools around the nation implement technology. As members, they will share their experiences through an online community database of lesson plans, app reviews, forums, step-by-step technology-use cases, and more.

Wilhelmus first learned about the program through a presenter at last summer’s EVSC eRevolution Conference and decided to apply. The application process included the submission of a three-minute video that introduced him and explained how he wanted to be a part of the process of finding technology solutions that truly enhance learning.

Later this month, Sony will fly the 11 members to San Diego for an initial collaboration meeting. Over time, Wilhelmus plans to share what he has learned with the EVSC, allowing the corporation to continue to extend its knowledge about teaching in the digital age.