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EVSC Students to Receive Free Identification Cards


May 17, 18
Culver Family Learning Center and Glenwood Leadership Academy

A missing child is one of the most terrifying things a parent can go through. To help reduce that risk, the EVSC is partnering with New York Life Insurance Company to provide free identification cards for preschool students at Culver Family Learning Center and kindergarten and first grade students at Glenwood Leadership Academy.

Officials with New York Life Insurance Company will be at Culver Family Learning Center Thursday, May 17, from 7:30 a.m. to noon taking pictures of students and providing free identification cards. On Friday, May 18, volunteers from New York Life will be at Glenwood Leadership Academy from 8 a.m. to noon getting pictures of kindergarten and first grade students in order to provide them with free identification cards.

According to EVSC’s Coordinator of Safety and Security Gerald Summers, more than 800,000 children are reported missing every year. A child ID is a vital part to protecting and locating missing children.


  1. Slightly under 1 in 5 third grade students of this state, and slightly more than 1 in 5 third grade students of EVSC failed the 3rd grade reading comprehension test. Those students, it has been stated, will be retained in their current grade.

    I think these facts might be a more suitable subject for discussion than a feel good press release by EVSC about some insurance company providing student IDs.


  2. What will be done with these student IDs? If the student carries it in his pocket, any kidnapper will find it and realize that they have the student’s name, address, phone number and parents’ names. A virtual gold mine.

    But what if it kept at home? Law enforcement can get it and know what the child looks like and all the other information they would probably obtained by talking to the parents.

    There is always the possibililty that the ID cards will be kept at school. Nice, but what about week-ends and other times the school is not open? Oh well, it is just a missing child. They can wait.

    To me this sounds like a public relations stunt. But nmot a very good one.

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