EVSC Statement on Arrest of Recently Resigned Harrison Teacher


EVSC Statement Regarding EPD News Release

Jordan McGuire, former choral music teacher at Harrison High school submitted his letter of resignation on March 21, 2012. This was following information that came to light by EVSC administrators on Monday, March 19.

The EVSC had learned through a telephone call that McGuire allegedly had supplied alcohol to minors at a party in January. These individuals were not high school students.

When the allegation of supplying alcohol to minors came to light, McGuire was not in school on March 19, 20, and 21, and returned for a requested conference with EVSC officials later on March 21, when he confirmed the allegation of supplying alcohol and submitted his resignation.

The EVSC was in contact with an Evansville Police Department officer the following morning, March 22; and learned at that time from police that there had been a text message to a student, but police had determined it was not acted upon.

Source: Marsha Jackson, EVSC


  1. An EVSC employee supplied Alcohol to minors. Last I checked this was considered a crime. The EVSC was aware and did not report it to police. They may have not known about the alleged sex act or texting. I hope the CCO doesn’t hide the comments like the Courier has done. To late, Just saw my comment deleated. Be better than the rest, and leave the reply section open. The CCO didn’t fear the former Mayoral team, but fears the EVSC?

    • We disabled the comments because of the obscene nature of some that were coming in rapidly. We will leave them on for the EVSC statement as long as the comments do not turn obscene. We are sure you can imagine the sort of things coming in on the other article. We just can’t police comments full time.

    • Another cover up by the EVSC. Sexual abuse is everybodys responsibility.They should have reported it,but no, “we don’t want the Courier to get hold of it”.Some of those people need to be replaced starting with the school board.

  2. In this case,yes-but as a general rule, the C/P has made it abundantly obvious that they will slant any story any way they desire, or to help out a buddy-not very responsible journalism.

    • The EVSC should check the requirements that the Evansville Catholic Diocese has in place for its employees dealing with children. The EVSC would find that they fall far short of those requirements.

      Marsha Jackson didn’t really release her statement with a straight face did she? IMHO, she has outlived her usefulness as an EVSC spokesman/employee.

      I have no doubt that Supt Smith approved her press release. He should go.

      I wonder what the EVSC Board will have to say about this matter at their next meeting. If they have any integrity at all they will not conduct a white-wash. I suspect they will turn a blind eye toward what has happened.

      How did this “teacher” make it through the hiring process?

      There are quite a few questions that need to be answered. Will we get the answers? I doubt it.

      • “How did this “teacher” make it through the hiring process?”

        * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

        He was a bad hire…it happens. What I can not understand is why the voters make the same mistakes every couple of years by rehiring the same people to the EVSC Board. A bad hire is a bad hire whether it is made by the EVSC Board, which must approve all new hires, or whether it is made by voters who must approve all EVSC Board members.


        • I agree with your comments concerning the “bad hires” by the voters. I am proud to say that I was not a part of this poor hiring process. None of these EVSC Board hires got my votes. I voted for others for many reasons, including the lack of competence of some of these board members.

          Some of the bad hires in the last two elections resulted from too many candidates, some of them lacking even basic qualifications, who siphoned votes from more qualified candidates.

          Friends, if you are not qualified, do not put your name on the ballot.

  3. lets send more evsc people to college in arizona or who cares ,pay their way 44k i think and then let em go ,,,what crooks

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