EVSC Schedules W.H.Y. Parent Camp


Giving parents and community members an opportunity to learn together and share information about the community’s children is the focus of the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation’s W.H.Y. (Working to Help Our Youth) Parent Camp. The Camp is scheduled for Saturday, August 26, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Bosse High School. The event is free and open to the public.

“The W.H.Y Parent Camp is designed to take the veil off what we do as a district, and create an intentional opportunity to listen and learn from parents and caregivers” said Cathy Gray, associate superintendent of Family, School, and Community Partnerships. “It’s a chance for caregivers to offer up their expertise as parents and help us problem solve and move the work of the district.”

The Camp will include numerous sessions where participants will be asked to share their thoughts, and ideas. Discussion topics include:

  •  GAIN: EVSC’s Whole Child Approach to Learning
  •  Homework Help
  •  Social Media: What Your Kids Know that You May Not
  •  The Health and Nutrition Connection to Learning
  •  This is Not the Classroom You May Remember
  •  Cultural Responsiveness and the School to Prison Pipeline
  •  College, Career and Beyond
  •  Special Education and Individual Student Supports
  •  Attendance Matters
  •  I Wonder…
  •  What are Educational Tests for, Anyway?

“Our hope is to create an ongoing dialogue between schools and parents/families to develop more unique, meaningful relationships that ultimately benefit the students of the EVSC,” said Amanda Hooper, a member of the EVSC Parent Advisory Team that worked with EVSC staff to plan the camp. “We are also excited to engage community partners in this conversation to foster ideas, understanding, and solutions to better serve our students and their families.”

The Parent Camp is free and open to anyone in the community. In addition, free childcare will be provided for students in kindergarten through fifth grade.

To register, visit www.evscschools.com and click on W.H.Y Parent Camp at the top of the page, or look for W.H.Y. Parent Camp on the EVSC app.