EVSC Ranks #102 Among Indiana School Districts


Niche provides in-depth profiles on every school and college in America, to help students and families find and enroll in the right school for them.

They’ve used their massive amount of data on things like diversity, best teachers, and best for athletes to review and rank every school district in America.

When the list is narrowed down to school districts in the State of Indiana, Evansville-Vanderburgh School Corporation ranks #102 out of nearly 300 districts.

While that ranking places EVSC close to the upper third of districts with a solid B grade, we ranked behind our neighboring districts in Southwest Indiana.

  • #32 (A-) South Gibson School Corporation
  • #36 (A-) Warrick County School Corporation
  • #52 (B+) Metropolitan School District of North Posey
  • #81 (B+) Metropolitan School District of Mt. Vernon

How does Niche determine the rankings?

According to their website:

The 2025 Best School Districts ranking is based on rigorous analysis of key statistics and millions of reviews from students and parents using data from the U.S. Department of Education. Ranking factors include state test scores, college readiness, graduation rates, teacher quality, public school district ratings, and more. SAT/ACT scores have been removed from this year’s rankings to reflect a general de-emphasis on test scores in the college admissions process.

Best schools in the district

You might be curious about which schools were ranked highest in EVSC.

Best High School
Signature School (A+) Ranked as the #2 public high school in Indiana.

Best Elementary School
McCutchanville Elementary (A-) Ranked as the #178 public elementary school in Indiana.

Best Middle School
North Jr. High School (B+) Ranked as the #109 public middle school in Indiana.