EVSC Plans Parent Meeting For New Northside Elementary School

EVSC Plans Parent Meeting For New Northside Elementary School
To give parents and community members updated information regarding the new elementary school being planned for the north side, the EVSC will host a parent meeting on Tuesday, December 13, at 6 p.m. at North High School. New information on the school design and layout will be shared as well as an updated timeline for construction and other details related to the school.
The EVSC announced earlier this year the construction of a new K-6 school on the north side. The school is slated to open for the 2018-2019 school year and will help to reduce enrollment at Scott and Oak Hill schools. The school will be built in the McCutchanville area located on Petersburg Road, just north of Viehe Drive on a site purchased in 1995 specifically as a future school site. Boundaries for the new school include:
North Boundary: Boonville New Harmony Road to Petersburg Road to Green River to Ruston Lane.
East Boundary: Warrick County line
South Boundary: line parallel with Hillsdale Road
West Boundary: Highway 41 
For more information, including a site and boundary map, visit http://district.evscschools.com/about_us/new_north_school. 