EVSC Now Accepting Applications for On My Way PreK Program 


The Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation is now taking applications for the 2017-2018 On My Way PreK program, a free early childhood education program offered by the state of Indiana. The EVSC is one of the locations offering the program in the Evansville area.


To qualify for the program, students must be four years old on or before August 1, 2017. Families also must live in Vanderburgh County and qualify for low-income assistance.


In addition to free early childhood education, the EVSC also offers free breakfast, lunch and transportation for those students who enroll. Classrooms are located at Culver Family Learning Center, Daniel Wertz, Cedar Hall, Evans, Caze, Dexter and Scott.


Director of Early Childhood Education Terry Green said, “Early childhood education lays the groundwork for success later in school by successfully preparing students to enter kindergarten on time and ready to learn.” Green said EVSC focuses on active learning – making learning fun for students, allowing them to explore and providing them new experiences with which to build knowledge.


The deadline to apply for the On My Way PreK program is March 31. To participate in the free program, families are asked to apply online at www.OnMyWayPreK.org. Families also can call 800-299-1627 or apply in person at the EVSC’s Culver Family Learning Center, located at 1301 Judson Street or at 4C of Southern Indiana, located at 600 SE 6th Street.