EVSC Foundation To Honor Former Governor Robert D. Orr


The public is invited to attend a naming reception in honor of former Governor Robert D. Orr. with a special dedication ceremony planned for Saturday, August 10, at 5 p.m. at McCutchanville Elementary School. Thanks to donations from the community, family, and friends – some as far away as Connecticut and California – the EVSC Foundation will officially dedicate the Robert D. Orr Learning Commons at McCutchanville.

 “Bob Orr believed that Indiana should strive toward broader horizons,” said Randall T. Shepard, retired Chief Justice of Indiana and former Evansville resident and friend of Orr. “He viewed education as crucial to building a better future, and his work as our state’s leader led him to be called the first ‘education Governor.”

 Orr was an Evansville businessman, community leader, and advocate of education. As the 45th Governor of Indiana (1981-1989), Governor Orr championed investments in economic development, international trade, and improvements in public education in Indiana. He initiated many educational reforms that left a positive, lasting impact on students and teachers.

Leading Evansville businessmen Robert E. Griffin; Honorable Chief Justice Randall Shepard; and Dan Carwile of Old National Bank; along with Indianapolis business leaders John Hammond III, partner Ice Miller; and Bob Grand, managing partner Barnes & Thornburg LLP; lead efforts to honor Orr.

Saturday, August 10


McCutchanville Elementary School | 10701 Petersburg Rd, Evansville, IN 47725