EVSC Encouraging Kindergarten Enrollment


In order to make sure new kindergarten students and their families are ready for school in the fall, the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation is encouraging all families to enroll now for the 2022-2023 school year. Parents can enroll their child online at evscschools.com/enrollment. 

In order to enroll, children must be five years old on or before August 1, 2022. Parents or legal guardians will need to upload a copy of the child’s legal birth certificate (hospital certificates cannot be considered) at the time of enrollment. If parents are unable to upload, a copy can be brought to the student’s school. 

The school a child will attend is based on where a student and parent reside. Individuals who are unsure in which school district their home is located can visit  www.evscschools.com/schooldistrict. Individuals also can call 812-435-8866.

Each elementary school also will host orientation meetings in April at their respective schools. Parents can reach out to their school for additional information on kindergarten orientation dates and times.Â