EVSC Educators Making Face Shields


EVSC educators respond to local and national calls for help. Using 3D printers, a group of teachers and staff are busy creating masks for the local community organizations. Michael Stauth, EVSC student data analyst began by contacting several groups and Ivy Tech’s Donna Zimmerman accepted his offer. Stauth, a 26 year retired US Air Force Flight Nurse, knows the meaning of teamwork so he sat down over spring break and started making face shields and he is still going strong with over 275.

Harrison High School media specialist, Gayle Kiesel and fellow EVSC educator Kerry Sensenbrenner joined Stauth’s cause. Kiesel realized she could help by connecting makers with people who want to help buy supplies for masks. Mackin Group donated rolls of filament plastic but more is needed. Each face shield takes approximately 18 meters or 52 grams of PLA filament. Right now each maker is funding filament or the fabric costs. Kiesel is asking supporters to donate to the EVSC Foundation to fulfill requests from the community. Earlier this week, Urban Seeds requested masks as well as local food service and security companies.

EVSC Makers group is using PRUSA.org files and files from Ivy Tech’s grass roots team https://3dprint.nih.gov/collections/covid-19-response

This is an important fundraiser to continue serving not only the EVSC community but also the Evansville community. This is one way EVSC is helping our community by making plastic shields to go over fabric masks. The EVSC Foundation is matching donations up to $2,000.