EVSC Director Named A Top 50 Innovator in Education


Janet Leistner, director of EVSC’s Virtual Academy, was recently named one of the Top 50 Innovators in Education by The Center for Digital Education, a national research and advisory institute that specializes in K-12 technology trends, policy and funding. As one of the top 50, Leistner was featured in the organization’s 2012 Yearbook, a publication that reviews the past academic year.

Leistner, who was nominated for the recognition by Teri Citterman who works in the Communications Department at Apex Learning, built the Virtual Academy from the ground up and has since expanded the Academy to include core, honors and advanced placement (AP) classes for high school students. Leistner also is in the process of expanding the Academy to include courses for elementary and middle school students.

The EVSC’s Virtual Academy was created in 2010 and allows students to enroll in online courses for credit recovery or advancement. Courses are taught by licensed teachers who regularly communicate with students and their families. Curriculum for the program is provided through Apex Learning, a digital curriculum that offers multiple course pathways to meet the specific needs of students.