On Monday evening the EVSC Board members continued to ignore local attorney Charles Berger request to comply with the “Open Door” requirements as set forth in the Indiana Statutes.
Attorney Charles Berger said; “yesterday evening the EVSC Administration continued to refused to place items on their and respond to my written requests.  At yesterday’s meeting  I served a formal notice of actions to be taken against the EVSC  if compliance does not occur in the next fifteen (15) days.
Posted below is the “Notice Of Claim” I presented to the Evansville-Vanderburgh County School Corporation yesterday.
Pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code, Section §34-13-3.5-4 and all other relevant sections, notice is hereby given by Charles L. Berger that he may initiate a civil action against the Evansville-Vanderburgh School Corporation and its Trustees for their continuing violation of the statutes of the State of Indiana for the manner in which executive sessions and public sessions are conducted and the refusal to provide financial data as requested in my request dated June 13, 2019. In accordance with Indiana Code, Section 34-13-3.5-5, the specific request made is for the Executive Sessions to strictly follow the law and not be for two hours each week and that the scheduling of Executive Sessions be reduced and the open meeting of the School Board be to allow the public to observe the decision making and practices of the EVSC including the discussion and implementing of policies and procedures that should be changed on how the EVSC School Board of Trustees operates . Also, all budget and expenditures as requested per school. If these specific remedies are not made in the next fifteen days, then filing suit to gain compliance with the laws of the State of Indiana will be considered.
1. Name of Claimant. The name of the person providing this Notice Charles L. Berger.
3. Address of Claimant. The address of Claimant is 7408 E. Sycamore Street, Evansville, Indiana.
4. Date of Notice. This Notice is dated this 25th day of November, 2019 , and the undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of this Notice was provided by personal service to the members of the School Board, the Superintendent, and their attorney present at the meeting on this date.
Charles L. Berger-Attorney
FOOTNOTE: Todays “READERS POLL” question is: Do you feel that the EVSC Administration should respond to Attorney Charles Berger’s request for financial information?
Go Mr. Berger. Shine the light of truth on the EVSC.
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